After some delays because of the volcanic eruption over at Iceland Gerard Butler has arrived to Serbia yesterday, where the crew of Ralph Fiennes' "Coriolanus" has already started filming the movie. Butler will stay in Belgrade probably till the end of the week, filming the mass scenes as Tullus Aufidius, the main enemy of Coriolanus played by Ralph Fiennes in this modern-day adaptation of Shakespeare's famous play. Here you can see the first pic of Gerard at the set. It's interesting that the first audition Butler ever went to in his life was for "Coriolanus" as well, so he jokes that it took him a decade to finally get the role. Meanwhile, Serbian tabloids have caught Ralph Fiennes in one of the luxurious Belgrade restaurants with one of Serbia's most popular singers Danijela Vranic. At first he was staring at her, mesmerized by her beauty and probably by her breasts, and she even said a few angry words to him, irritated by his rude staring, but at the end, according to tabloids, Ralph and Danijela finished the evening by exchanging their phone numbers. If you want to see for yourself how Ralph Fiennes has a lot of taste, check out the video for Danijela's most popular song bellow :)
Wooo hooo! Wish I could beam myself to Belgrade right now! I'm so excited for this movie, and dear Gerry finally finds a great project to sink his teeth into. Dez, he did get the lead role Coriolanus in a stage play, so it's interesting he's playing the nemesis in the movie version.
Btw, that pic of gorgeous Henry on your sidebar is sooo distracting, makes it hard to even just type this comment :)
This will be a great film with real depth in both story and performance. Can't wait to see Gerry on the big screen again in a more sophisticated role. GJBFan!!
@Mike and Castor well, Danijela is famous for her mischievous boobies which like to escape underneath her dresses during her live performances. She is famous for her cleavage as much as for her songs and voice :)
@Neb at least you have CONAN being shot in Sofia :)
@Flixchatter I didn't know that, it sounds cool :) And I'm glad you like Henry's pic from the Dunhill photo shoot :) Vote for him if you want him to win ;)
@Vickyk hey, Vicks, welcome to HOLLYWOOD SPY, we love Gerry as well ;)
I did vote for him :) And yes I've seen that Dunhill commercial many times, man he's soooo Bond-like in there. I wrote in this post that I wish he'd be considered for Bond again in a few years. He still looks too young now. Boy, I'm sooo looking forward to Immortals, finally a lead role for Mr. Cavill!
ah, no, Flixy :) I personally wouldn't like seeing Henry as Bond, since the Bond role usually sticks the actor in one place forever. Instead I'd like him to become a diverse movie star with many amazing roles, and the lead role in IMMORTALS seems like a divine start after the end of THE TUDORS (shedding tears). Hope he will become a new Sam Worthington after that (but with much more talent off course :) )
Michele and Vicks, it wouldn't help you much even if you were in Serbia like me. They are guarding the sets and Gerard's room in Hyatt hotel as if they were a national treasure or a vault with golden bars :)
We can drool from here Dez. Just knowing he's there, wow. Then again, if he were in Toronto, I wouldn't stalk him - well, maybe. Keep tabs on Ralph - he seems like quite the casanova - so GB wouldn't be too far away - they're two of a kind.
Hi Dez, well that's not the case with Daniel Craig who continues to play diverse roles after Bond. Even Connery managed to snab an Oscar after playing the quintessential British spy. If anything, it can boost Henry's chances to get more high-profile roles, and yes he is more expressive than Sam.
GB looks so disheveled in there, must be stuck at airports for days with no shower :) Is he already wearing a military uniform or something? Makes him look like Noriega, he..he.. JK, y'know I love the guy!
yep, but nobody ever pays any attention to Daniel Craig's other roles, and his other movies are usually flops, which was also the case with Pierce Brosnan, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton ....
That's Gerard in his movie costume :) as you know he will be a feisty little soldier in it :)
Some men just look good no matter what. That's Gerry. After a long time, finally given a role with some substance, we hope. Hollywood is lacking in the rugged, manly-types - American men/actors - many look like boys. No wonder casting looks elsewhere like Europe and Australia - even Canada.
Vicks, Serbian newspapers have all written today about how Gerard is the beloved guy among all the cast members, he jokes a lot with them, he is extremely pleasant lad, and he likes Serbian food. He also revealed to one of the Serbian actresses who is playing the assistant of Vanessa Redgrave's character, that he adores one of the most successful Serbian movies in recent years TEARS FOR SALE (in Serbian CARLSTON ZA OGNJENKU) and that he always recommends that movie to his Hollywood friends :)
It is also reported that Gerry's uniform was tight for him because of his great sinewy body.I'm always glad to find out that there are people in Serbia who are interested in Gerry's movies.Thanks a lot!
Yep, but I think that was just a joke since they know Gerry has a nice sense of humour :) As you can see from the pic the uniform is more than comfortable. It is true that Gerard is one of the most popular foreign actors in Serbia, because he has that casual, humorous and fun nature like most Serbs.
That's why we adore him and have long lasting crushes on him! He's a guy's guy and a gal's guy. Fresh, funny, playful, not one bit vain or demanding. I think anyone would want to be his friend, he's just so enjoyable! And very transparent with the press and his fans. You don't see that too often. He is all around fabulous, and so easy on the eyes, my, my.
Good I am just lurking at GALS.They invited me to join them but I decided better not to.I had bad experiences with Wentworth Miller's boards.I am poster at JJ's news about GB.The only one from Serbia.If there were GB's fan club in Serbia I will be there and that's for sure.I simply adore this guy.:DDD
cekaj, ako si iz Srbije, onda mozes slobodno i po naski :) Pojma nemam sta ti znace skracenice GALS i JJ :) Pretpostavljam da su to neki Batlerovi sajtovi? I mene je par njegovih sajtova opsedalo da im saljem slike ovih dana. Eh, Ventvort Miler, i njega mnogo jako vrlo i izuzetno obozavamo tu u shtabu HOLIVUDSKOG SPIJUNA :)
Very good point. I've joined Weirdly Obsessed Gerard Butler Fans - hysterical fan site/message boards. It's a perfect fit. I don't think I'll ever get over how obsessed I am unless I meet him one day to put it all to rest - or make it worse?
Anonymous - you should start a site and tap into the fans over there. You already post news, so why not?
I too simply adore him! Wish he would come to dinner...
Cool.Mislila sam da je bolje ako kuckam na engleskom jer ce me "ceo svet razumeti".:))) GALS verovatno naj opsesivnije GBove fan girls.Znam da bih se iz toga tesko izvukla i zato mi je bolje da se "drzim po strani".:))A JJ je skracenica za justjared,to je na neki nacin gossip sajt o svim popularnim licnostima,cak su pisali i o nasem Noletu.:))Tu se postavljaju "najsvezije" fotografije,ali najzanimljivije su naravno one koje naprave paparaci.Tu su fanovi manje opsesivni i vode se diskusije o GBovim filmovima koji su mi se jako dopali pa mi je drago sto mogu da razmenjujem misljenje sa njima i ovih dana ih obavestavam o svim kretanjima dragog nam Džerija.:)))Jako me raduje da gotivite Ventija ali ta faza me je prosla.:(( Sada sam completely Butlered.:DDD
Vickyk - thanks for the suggestion I will consider it and maybe do it one sweet day.:)) I just read that GB was at Plastic,night club, with Serbian actress Katarina Radivojević.She was also RF's guide through Belgrade two years ago.He met some models there too and had a lot of fun because he left the club at six in the morning.Here is the link for the article in Serbian.
No Vicks, Gerard will be here in Serbia for another 3 weeks, as far as I've got it, so you still have time to catch a plane and come stalk him a bit here :)
Oh, I can't stand Katarina Radivojevic, she is the most horrible actress, I've lost count of all the movies she's ruined with her stiff and expressionless acting.
Eh, znam za JUST JARED, a sto se tice Ventija, on mi je uzasno simpa, jer je nekako vrlo slican meni licno. Isto je zavrsio engleski jezik i knjizevnost i imamo veoma slicne ukuse i stil zivota, osim sto ja ne snimam hit serije i ne ganjaju me fanovi diljem sveta :)))ako ne racunamo to da se ovaj blog cita u vise od 150 zemalja sirom sveta :)
PS mogla bi da stavis neko ime, da ne budes anonimus sve vreme :), a nadam se da ces nam svracati i kada ne budemo spominjali gosn Batlera :)
Pa i ja ga gotivim zbog toga sto imamo slicna inetresovanja.Ja zavrsavam engleski jezik i knjizevnost,citala sam da voli Toni Morison i sestre Bronte isto kao i ja.:))))U filmu "Tragovi na dusi" pominje "Tender is the Night",a ja sam upravo taj roman izabrala za diplomski rad.Ti onda sigurno uzivas u Starbucksu.:)))Pa dobro mozda imas malo manje fanova od njega.:)))Jako mi se dopada ovaj blog i upravo sam njega nasla na JJu. Sada imam ime,a nadam se i ja da cu svracati cesce sada kada sam vas otkrila.:))
i pri tom je Venti vrlo smiren, povucen i drag baja. E, pa bas volim kad otkrijem linkove za HOLLYWOOD SPY na drugim sajtovima. Gde si ga tacno nasla na JJ?
Na poslednjem thread-u o GB.Neko je postovao da ce gospodin Fiennes "upropastiti" GB-a jer se muvao sa pevacicom i postovao link za HOLLYWOOD SPY.Moram te upozoriti da trenutno na tom thread-u ima 981 komentar tako da je jako tesko pronaci link.:((
a ti koliko se kreces po svim tim sajtovima, mogla bi da preuzmes zvanicnu titulu HOLLYWOOD SPY promotera ;) Sto vise nasih linkova na sve strane, to se sve vise penjemo po Guglu i imamo vise citalaca :)
i ne zaboravi wannabe Rihana.:))) kada se gugla Gerard Butler arrives to the set vi ste prvi rezultat.:)) ja sam vas upravo na taj nacin pronalazila nakon sto sam videla link na JJu.ja se krecem samo na onim sajtovima i board - ovima koji su posveceni GB-u tako da ne morate da brinete sto se tice promovisanja blogova posvecenih njemu,naravno dok ne predjem u neku drugu fazu i ne zaboravim na Džerija.;)))
PS ne znam sto persiras :P HOLLYWOOD SPY je samo jedan i jedini, mada ovih dana progovaram sa Pingvinima s Madagaskara da popune moj headquarters, cine mi se kao vrlo resourceful wiseguys :))
Ma jel moguce da se GB toliko najeo i napio da je zavrsio na infuziji?! To mi je mnogo smesno...vidim bas se lepo provodi u Beogradu i bas mi je drago. Vec je trazio i da se prebaci iz Hayatt-a u neki stan! A Ralfa sam srela u jednom kaficu, dosao da popije rakiju, sam. Deluje jako prijatno, ja sam se malo zagledala u njega pa mi se cak i javio (mislim klimnuo glavom i nasmejao), a nakon toga i platio pice mom i stolu do nas!
iyuu, izdajnice roda svoga :) ne mogu da verujem da si gledala u coveka i da te je castio picem,a da nisi iskoristila priliku da ga slikas mobilnim i predas excluzivne slike HOLLYWOOD SPY-ju!!!! Nikada od tebe pingvina sa Madagaskara!!! :)))
Dzeri se verovatno nije toliko napio, koliko ga je udarila mesavina nase teske hrane, mozda casice dve rakije i jos umor od snimanja i promene sredine.
Anonymous - zavidim ti.:(((( Dzerija su vec preselili na Dorcol.
DEZMOND - nasla sam jos jedan link za ovaj blog na sajtu weirdly obsessed GB fans.imas dosta promoterki.:)))GB ne pije vec 12 godina tako da tu pricu kako se ubija sa rakijom sorry I'm not buying.:)))
Pa kako da se osvestim!!! Odjednom Ralf sedi pored mene, a ja kao ovca! hahaha Mob mi je sa bezveznom kamerom, a jos je i bilo prilicno mracno! Od te veceri bez pravog aparata ne izlazim iz kuce :)
Znala sam da ce doci na Dorcol! Sad su mi obojica komsije!! Ja sam ulica iznad Ralfa! Ali to mi ne znaci mnogo, posto sam ga samo taj jedan put videla. :(
@yesssss pa niko ne kaze da se covek ubio od rakije, znas da je nespremnom organizmu dovoljno i pola casice da ga opali, pogotovo kada je dosao sa drugog kraja sveta i nije navikao ni na ovu groznu srpsku hranu ni na ovu klimu. Sinoc su ga i na PANTERSIMA videli kako pijucka malko. Meni bi licno bio dovoljan gutljaj rakije da se patosiram :)) Drago mi je za linkove, ti fanovi su stvarno hiper aktivni :)
@Anonimka e, pa spremi onda sve za docek, dolazimo kod tebe da ih stalk-ujemo po Dorcolu :)))
Joj, video sam tu devojku. Strasno, ladno se javila novinama i kaze DA, ZAJEDNO SMO, EVO VEC DVA DANA :))) A verovatno se samo slikala sa njim u nekom klubu. To je ona Plavusa iz Milanovog FEJSA.
Anonimka, kako gde nalazimo informacije? Pa zar nismo spijuni? I kao sto Yessssss, nas internacionalni PR, kaze, tu su nam i pingvini sa Madagaskara. A oni sve, ali bukvalno sve, znaju.
Gerard is gorgeous most handsome man on the Earth! And Danijela could be a bit smarter I think! Anyway, there are much more beautifull looking girls on the streets. Come and check it out!
You lucky Serbians!:)
ReplyDeleteLOL... mesmerized by her beauty and probably by her breasts :-DDD
ReplyDelete"At first he was staring at her, mesmerized by her beauty and probably by her breasts,"
ReplyDeleteLMAO, Dez did it again!
Wooo hooo! Wish I could beam myself to Belgrade right now! I'm so excited for this movie, and dear Gerry finally finds a great project to sink his teeth into. Dez, he did get the lead role Coriolanus in a stage play, so it's interesting he's playing the nemesis in the movie version.
ReplyDeleteBtw, that pic of gorgeous Henry on your sidebar is sooo distracting, makes it hard to even just type this comment :)
This will be a great film with real depth in both story and performance. Can't wait to see Gerry on the big screen again in a more sophisticated role. GJBFan!!
ReplyDelete@Mike and Castor
ReplyDeletewell, Danijela is famous for her mischievous boobies which like to escape underneath her dresses during her live performances. She is famous for her cleavage as much as for her songs and voice :)
at least you have CONAN being shot in Sofia :)
I didn't know that, it sounds cool :) And I'm glad you like Henry's pic from the Dunhill photo shoot :) Vote for him if you want him to win ;)
hey, Vicks, welcome to HOLLYWOOD SPY, we love Gerry as well ;)
I did vote for him :) And yes I've seen that Dunhill commercial many times, man he's soooo Bond-like in there. I wrote in this post that I wish he'd be considered for Bond again in a few years. He still looks too young now. Boy, I'm sooo looking forward to Immortals, finally a lead role for Mr. Cavill!
ReplyDeleteah, no, Flixy :) I personally wouldn't like seeing Henry as Bond, since the Bond role usually sticks the actor in one place forever. Instead I'd like him to become a diverse movie star with many amazing roles, and the lead role in IMMORTALS seems like a divine start after the end of THE TUDORS (shedding tears). Hope he will become a new Sam Worthington after that (but with much more talent off course :) )
ReplyDeleteWish I was in Serbia right now! And not for the singers...
I'm with you Michele!
ReplyDeleteMichele and Vicks, it wouldn't help you much even if you were in Serbia like me. They are guarding the sets and Gerard's room in Hyatt hotel as if they were a national treasure or a vault with golden bars :)
ReplyDeleteWe can drool from here Dez. Just knowing he's there, wow. Then again, if he were in Toronto, I wouldn't stalk him - well, maybe. Keep tabs on Ralph - he seems like quite the casanova - so GB wouldn't be too far away - they're two of a kind.
ReplyDeleteHi Dez, well that's not the case with Daniel Craig who continues to play diverse roles after Bond. Even Connery managed to snab an Oscar after playing the quintessential British spy. If anything, it can boost Henry's chances to get more high-profile roles, and yes he is more expressive than Sam.
ReplyDeleteGB looks so disheveled in there, must be stuck at airports for days with no shower :) Is he already wearing a military uniform or something? Makes him look like Noriega, he..he.. JK, y'know I love the guy!
yep, but nobody ever pays any attention to Daniel Craig's other roles, and his other movies are usually flops, which was also the case with Pierce Brosnan, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton ....
ReplyDeleteThat's Gerard in his movie costume :) as you know he will be a feisty little soldier in it :)
Great , welcome to the great actors . Greetings from Serbia !
ReplyDeleteSome men just look good no matter what. That's Gerry. After a long time, finally given a role with some substance, we hope. Hollywood is lacking in the rugged, manly-types - American men/actors - many look like boys. No wonder casting looks elsewhere like Europe and Australia - even Canada.
ReplyDeleteWaiting for more pics Dez!
Vicks, Serbian newspapers have all written today about how Gerard is the beloved guy among all the cast members, he jokes a lot with them, he is extremely pleasant lad, and he likes Serbian food. He also revealed to one of the Serbian actresses who is playing the assistant of Vanessa Redgrave's character, that he adores one of the most successful Serbian movies in recent years TEARS FOR SALE (in Serbian CARLSTON ZA OGNJENKU) and that he always recommends that movie to his Hollywood friends :)
ReplyDeleteIt is also reported that Gerry's uniform was tight for him because of his great sinewy body.I'm always glad to find out that there are people in Serbia who are interested in Gerry's movies.Thanks a lot!
ReplyDeleteYep, but I think that was just a joke since they know Gerry has a nice sense of humour :) As you can see from the pic the uniform is more than comfortable. It is true that Gerard is one of the most popular foreign actors in Serbia, because he has that casual, humorous and fun nature like most Serbs.
ReplyDeleteYeah and he is so down to earth.I am so happy that he came to my country.
ReplyDeleteThat's why we adore him and have long lasting crushes on him! He's a guy's guy and a gal's guy. Fresh, funny, playful, not one bit vain or demanding. I think anyone would want to be his friend, he's just so enjoyable! And very transparent with the press and his fans. You don't see that too often. He is all around fabulous, and so easy on the eyes, my, my.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how the two of you haven't opened a GB fan club already :PP
ReplyDeleteGood I am just lurking at GALS.They invited me to join them but I decided better not to.I had bad experiences with Wentworth Miller's boards.I am poster at JJ's news about GB.The only one from Serbia.If there were GB's fan club in Serbia I will be there and that's for sure.I simply adore this guy.:DDD
ReplyDeletecekaj, ako si iz Srbije, onda mozes slobodno i po naski :) Pojma nemam sta ti znace skracenice GALS i JJ :) Pretpostavljam da su to neki Batlerovi sajtovi? I mene je par njegovih sajtova opsedalo da im saljem slike ovih dana.
ReplyDeleteEh, Ventvort Miler, i njega mnogo jako vrlo i izuzetno obozavamo tu u shtabu HOLIVUDSKOG SPIJUNA :)
Very good point. I've joined Weirdly Obsessed Gerard Butler Fans - hysterical fan site/message boards. It's a perfect fit. I don't think I'll ever get over how obsessed I am unless I meet him one day to put it all to rest - or make it worse?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - you should start a site and tap into the fans over there. You already post news, so why not?
I too simply adore him! Wish he would come to dinner...
Dez did they wrap?
Cool.Mislila sam da je bolje ako kuckam na engleskom jer ce me "ceo svet razumeti".:))) GALS verovatno naj opsesivnije GBove fan girls.Znam da bih se iz toga tesko izvukla i zato mi je bolje da se "drzim po strani".:))A JJ je skracenica za justjared,to je na neki nacin gossip sajt o svim popularnim licnostima,cak su pisali i o nasem Noletu.:))Tu se postavljaju "najsvezije" fotografije,ali najzanimljivije su naravno one koje naprave paparaci.Tu su fanovi manje opsesivni i vode se diskusije o GBovim filmovima koji su mi se jako dopali pa mi je drago sto mogu da razmenjujem misljenje sa njima i ovih dana ih obavestavam o svim kretanjima dragog nam Džerija.:)))Jako me raduje da gotivite Ventija ali ta faza me je prosla.:(( Sada sam completely Butlered.:DDD
ReplyDeleteVickyk - thanks for the suggestion I will consider it and maybe do it one sweet day.:)) I just read that GB was at Plastic,night club, with Serbian actress Katarina Radivojević.She was also RF's guide through Belgrade two years ago.He met some models there too and had a lot of fun because he left the club at six in the morning.Here is the link for the article in Serbian.
No Vicks, Gerard will be here in Serbia for another 3 weeks, as far as I've got it, so you still have time to catch a plane and come stalk him a bit here :)
ReplyDeleteOh, I can't stand Katarina Radivojevic, she is the most horrible actress, I've lost count of all the movies she's ruined with her stiff and expressionless acting.
Eh, znam za JUST JARED, a sto se tice Ventija, on mi je uzasno simpa, jer je nekako vrlo slican meni licno. Isto je zavrsio engleski jezik i knjizevnost i imamo veoma slicne ukuse i stil zivota, osim sto ja ne snimam hit serije i ne ganjaju me fanovi diljem sveta :)))ako ne racunamo to da se ovaj blog cita u vise od 150 zemalja sirom sveta :)
PS mogla bi da stavis neko ime, da ne budes anonimus sve vreme :), a nadam se da ces nam svracati i kada ne budemo spominjali gosn Batlera :)
Pa i ja ga gotivim zbog toga sto imamo slicna inetresovanja.Ja zavrsavam engleski jezik i knjizevnost,citala sam da voli Toni Morison i sestre Bronte isto kao i ja.:))))U filmu "Tragovi na dusi" pominje "Tender is the Night",a ja sam upravo taj roman izabrala za diplomski rad.Ti onda sigurno uzivas u Starbucksu.:)))Pa dobro mozda imas malo manje fanova od njega.:)))Jako mi se dopada ovaj blog i upravo sam njega nasla na JJu.
ReplyDeleteSada imam ime,a nadam se i ja da cu svracati cesce sada kada sam vas otkrila.:))
i pri tom je Venti vrlo smiren, povucen i drag baja.
ReplyDeleteE, pa bas volim kad otkrijem linkove za HOLLYWOOD SPY na drugim sajtovima. Gde si ga tacno nasla na JJ?
Na poslednjem thread-u o GB.Neko je postovao da ce gospodin Fiennes "upropastiti" GB-a jer se muvao sa pevacicom i postovao link za HOLLYWOOD SPY.Moram te upozoriti da trenutno na tom thread-u ima 981 komentar tako da je jako tesko pronaci link.:((
ReplyDeleteeh, znao sam da cemo promovisati Vranijelu po belom svetu ako je stavim u HOLLYWOOD SPY :ppp
ReplyDeletePa i nije nam neki ambasador ali what's done is done.:)) A tek Katarina.Na JJu i IMDbu su vec poceli da postuju o njoj,ali za to sam ja kriva.:(((
ReplyDeletea tek JK kod onog frika Pereza Hiltona :)
ReplyDeletea ti koliko se kreces po svim tim sajtovima, mogla bi da preuzmes zvanicnu titulu HOLLYWOOD SPY promotera ;) Sto vise nasih linkova na sve strane, to se sve vise penjemo po Guglu i imamo vise citalaca :)
i ne zaboravi wannabe Rihana.:)))
ReplyDeletekada se gugla Gerard Butler arrives to the set vi ste prvi rezultat.:)) ja sam vas upravo na taj nacin pronalazila nakon sto sam videla link na JJu.ja se krecem samo na onim sajtovima i board - ovima koji su posveceni GB-u tako da ne morate da brinete sto se tice promovisanja blogova posvecenih njemu,naravno dok ne predjem u neku drugu fazu i ne zaboravim na Džerija.;)))
mislis wannabe Miss Piggy :)
ReplyDeletePS ne znam sto persiras :P HOLLYWOOD SPY je samo jedan i jedini, mada ovih dana progovaram sa Pingvinima s Madagaskara da popune moj headquarters, cine mi se kao vrlo resourceful wiseguys :))
Mislila sam da vas ima vise u stabu "holivudskog spijuna".:)))
ReplyDeleteLOL,cim su sa Madagaskara moraju biti very resourceful i reliable.:))))
Ma jel moguce da se GB toliko najeo i napio da je zavrsio na infuziji?! To mi je mnogo smesno...vidim bas se lepo provodi u Beogradu i bas mi je drago. Vec je trazio i da se prebaci iz Hayatt-a u neki stan!
ReplyDeleteA Ralfa sam srela u jednom kaficu, dosao da popije rakiju, sam. Deluje jako prijatno, ja sam se malo zagledala u njega pa mi se cak i javio (mislim klimnuo glavom i nasmejao), a nakon toga i platio pice mom i stolu do nas!
iyuu, izdajnice roda svoga :) ne mogu da verujem da si gledala u coveka i da te je castio picem,a da nisi iskoristila priliku da ga slikas mobilnim i predas excluzivne slike HOLLYWOOD SPY-ju!!!! Nikada od tebe pingvina sa Madagaskara!!! :)))
ReplyDeleteDzeri se verovatno nije toliko napio, koliko ga je udarila mesavina nase teske hrane, mozda casice dve rakije i jos umor od snimanja i promene sredine.
Anonymous - zavidim ti.:(((( Dzerija su vec preselili na Dorcol.
ReplyDeleteDEZMOND - nasla sam jos jedan link za ovaj blog na sajtu weirdly obsessed GB fans.imas dosta promoterki.:)))GB ne pije vec 12 godina tako da tu pricu kako se ubija sa rakijom sorry I'm not buying.:)))
Pa kako da se osvestim!!! Odjednom Ralf sedi pored mene, a ja kao ovca! hahaha Mob mi je sa bezveznom kamerom, a jos je i bilo prilicno mracno! Od te veceri bez pravog aparata ne izlazim iz kuce :)
ReplyDeleteZnala sam da ce doci na Dorcol! Sad su mi obojica komsije!! Ja sam ulica iznad Ralfa! Ali to mi ne znaci mnogo, posto sam ga samo taj jedan put videla. :(
ReplyDeletepa niko ne kaze da se covek ubio od rakije, znas da je nespremnom organizmu dovoljno i pola casice da ga opali, pogotovo kada je dosao sa drugog kraja sveta i nije navikao ni na ovu groznu srpsku hranu ni na ovu klimu. Sinoc su ga i na PANTERSIMA videli kako pijucka malko.
Meni bi licno bio dovoljan gutljaj rakije da se patosiram :))
Drago mi je za linkove, ti fanovi su stvarno hiper aktivni :)
e, pa spremi onda sve za docek, dolazimo kod tebe da ih stalk-ujemo po Dorcolu :)))
Na divna mesta ga vode!
ReplyDeleteukrade mi rec iz usta, Yessss. Ja ni svog najgoreg neprijatelja ne bih odveo kod tih Pantersa.
ReplyDeleteA sada je "smuvao" manekenku iz spota neke zvezde Granda!Hahahahahaha.Pitam se gde je mogao da je upozna.:PPP
ReplyDeleteGde nalazite sve te informacije?!?
ReplyDeleteE kad bi znala gde ce veceras! :((
Kod pingvina sa sa Madagaskara.:))) Elektronska izdanja svih dnevnih novina pisu o svakom koraku GBa.I ja bih to volela da znam.:DDD
ReplyDeleteJoj, video sam tu devojku. Strasno, ladno se javila novinama i kaze DA, ZAJEDNO SMO, EVO VEC DVA DANA :))) A verovatno se samo slikala sa njim u nekom klubu. To je ona Plavusa iz Milanovog FEJSA.
ReplyDeleteAnonimka, kako gde nalazimo informacije? Pa zar nismo spijuni? I kao sto Yessssss, nas internacionalni PR, kaze, tu su nam i pingvini sa Madagaskara. A oni sve, ali bukvalno sve, znaju.
Gerard is gorgeous most handsome man on the Earth! And Danijela could be a bit smarter I think!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, there are much more beautifull looking girls on the streets. Come and check it out!
Former Miss Serbia
oh, my, HOLLYWOOD SPY je pocastvovan posetom bivse mis Srbije :)