New show started airing last week
Airing finally every evening this week and next on national broadcaster Russia 1 is new historical series
CASANOVA IN RUSSIA (Казанова в России) with Serbian star
Ivan Bosilychich in the title role of the legendary seducer at the time when he visited the imperial court of Russia. He previously played sultan Mehmed the Conqueror in Russian epic series The
Russian Prisoner or Janissary. The series started shooting back in 2019 but had numerous delays thanks to covid outbreak and many other problems, but is now finally being presented to the audiences. Sweet Matushka Rossiya is, by the way, preparing some other lavish costume
It is a twelve episode historical series
dramas, so stay tuned for more updates during the festive days when Hollywood goes to sleep and we move, as usual, onto the international stage.
Set in imperial Russia, during the rule of Tzarina Catherine the
Great, in 1764-1765, the lavishly expensive 12 part series follows
the great Venetian lover Giacomo Casanova during his stay in Russia,
filled with conspiracies, intrigues,

insidious murders and fatal
passions. It is an adventure in the spirit of the Three Musketeers,
only on the banks of the Neva, not the Seine. In the centre

of the plot
is the story of how Casanova, sent to Russia with the plan to
infiltrate Catherine the Great's court as a Vatican spy, got carried
away by a

female serf peasant on the banks of the Neva, so much that he
went to extreme lengths to buy her. That accidental meeting will make
history's most famous

womaniser and seducer believe that a life could
be spent next to just one woman. Beside being the famous lover,
Casanova was also one of the most

educated people of that time, he
translated legendary
Iliad and co wrote the libretto for Mozart's opera
Don Giovanni. A friendship with famous Voltaire

also left a great impact
on that, less known, side of his life. Produced by Favorit Film and
Brothers Chizhikov, the saga also stars
Skuratova as Casanova's love
Mariyana Spivak as Catherine the Great and our dear
Malakov (from
Furious or Kolovrat) as her general and lover Potemkin!