Well our two week search for "The Most Promising Upcoming Action Star" is over, and I must say the voting was overwhelming in amazing number of voters and the close competition between the two ultra talented and ultra charming actors Sam Worthington and Michael Fassbender. Sam is our winner with 39% of votes, while Michael took second place with 29% of votes. Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth ended up in 3rd and 4th place.

Sam Worthington basically did what no one has done before - appeared out of nowhere stealing all the main roles in all the biggest blockbusters of the decade. "Terminator Salvation", "Avatar", "Clash of the Titans" are on his list, and plus the rumours that he might play in the remake od "Mad Max" and "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" (which has just been postponed for some better times by its studio), and was even the top contender to play James Bond before it became James BLond. He is young, handsome, charismatic, intelligent and heroic looking at the same time, and is the key proof how Australia always nurtures the best of actors. Before he became an actor he was a bricklayer and says he would like to go on "Dancing with the Stars" :)) It's just a matter of time before he lands a super-hero role as well.

Michael Fassbender is also young, gorgeous, talented and extremelly promising. We'd first noticed him as the amazing Stelios in epic "300" in which he charmed us when after cutting a Persian warrior's hand off and hearing him yell "My arm, my arm!!!" elegantly puts him off by saying "It's not yours, anymore!" And then when another Persian tells him "Our arrows will blot out the sun!" he responds with "Then we will fight in the shade!" After that he had marvellous action roles in "Town Creek" and "Inglorious Basterds" and breathtaking dramatic performances in "The Fish Tank" and "Hunger". He will continue shinning as an action hero in "Centurion" and "Jonah Hex". He is the key proof how Ireland and Germany can nurture the best of actors. It's just a matter of time before he lands an Oscar :)
This week we are chosing your most anticipated December movie, and then, after that we'll launch our new two week long search for "The Most Starlicious Young Actress"