Deadline reports today that after LES MISERABLES director Tom Hooper will again reunite with Eddie Redmayne (PILLARS OF THE EARTH, BIRDCAGE)! The blueeyed actor will apparently take the lead role in THE DANISH GIRL a big screen adaptation of David Ebershoff's novel that dealt with the true story of Danish painter Einar Wegener and his wife Gerda. After Einar stood in for a female subject that Gerda was supposed to paint, the painting became incredibly popular, leading to Einar becoming one of the first men ever to undergo a sex change operation in 1930. It was previously meant for Nicole Kidman to play Einar and Gwyneth Paltrow to play Gerda. Later this summer you shall watch Redmayne as an alien in JUPITER ASCENDING and possibly in the reboot of THE FANTASTIC FOUR!
Deadline also writes that Roland Emmerich might return to the epic genre again since he has acquired the rights on MAYA LORD historical novel by John Coe Robbins about
Gonzalo Guerrero, who was shipwrecked in
1511 on a mysterious shore in the New World. He and his Spanish crew
members were enslaved by a Mayan tribe, and, after he sees no hope of
escaping, the adventurer tries to find a way to advance in their
society. When one of his fellow captives joins Cortes, Guerrero rises
within the Mayan tribe to become one of their top warlords, as they try
to turn away Cortes and other Spanish conquistadors. Gonzalo Guerrero
eventually married the daughter of a Mayan chieftain, and is regarded as
the father of the first Mestizo family, a term given to individuals of
European and Native American descent. Emmerich first has to do
Deadline also writes that Roland Emmerich might return to the epic genre again since he has acquired the rights on MAYA LORD historical novel by John Coe Robbins about

Speaking of epics, Cary Fukunaga (TRUE DETECTIVE, JANE EYRE) will direct THE BLACK COUNT with the help of singer John
Legend as a producer. It will be a movie adaptation of Tom Reiss' novel 'The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, And The Real Count of Monte Cristo', which chronicles the life of French Revolution general Thomas Alexandre Dumas, the father of legendary writer Alexandre Dumas. Thomas Alexandre Dumas was born to a French nobleman and an African slave, who went on to become the highest ranking non-white soldier to serve in any European army. He was said to be a favorite of Napoleon Bonaparte, and his adventures served as the basis for his son's books such as 'The Count Of Monte Cristo' and 'The Three Musketeers'.

A lot of epic movies and they all sounds interesting especially The Danish Girl.
ReplyDeleteI hope they all get made... we've seen so many books which were sold for a movie adaptation which never later happened....
DeleteThat's a good bit of history about Dumas. I had not realized the writer's father was a military figure.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't either, but it is such an intriguing piece of story!
DeleteMaya Lord looks interesting.
ReplyDeleteI do agree. We so need us a Mayan epic on the big screen
DeleteAll 3 of these sound great! History from the margins.
ReplyDeletewe do like them all too!
Deleteooh, MAYA LORD could be good. I love anything ancient history.
ReplyDeleteI'm capped this month so my intertube is superslow... For a while there, all I could see was the top half of the Maya Lord book cover. Nice top half though ;)
and we haven't had films from that intriguing era! Although some TV shows on it have been announced.
DeleteDezzy would've preferred a different half :p
DeleteFascinating info, Dez. I didn't know about Dumas, Wegener and Guerrero. Thanks! I really enjoyed the post.
ReplyDeleteit was quite an educational post for me as well :)
DeleteHey Dez. Hope your day is going or went well. Started to warm up here a bit today. But still needed to dress warm. They tell me spring is coming, but I don't believe it.
ReplyDeletewe've been having a rainy season for two weeks now, with torrential downpours in the south with tones of floods down there.... and we had ice yesterday afternoon too!
DeleteIce? Yikes.
DeleteHeat on again today here. Made more dog treats last night. They're crunchy and the pups love them but to me, not as tasty as the chicken bone ones.
Or the peanut butter dog treats. Now THOSE were killer good.
yep, buckets of ice fell from the sky in ten minutes! Wouldn't be surprised if it destroyed fruit trees :(
DeleteOh no. I hope it doesn't. That always makes me sad to hear.
Deletefingers crossed
DeleteGreat read on THE BLACK COUNT. I always know that when I come here, I not only learn of entertainment, but I get Dezzy's daily dose of history! ;-)
ReplyDeletewe'll Dezzy is a real-life professor after all :)))
DeleteI didn't know of the father, but I knew of Alexandre Dumas
ReplyDeleteme neither, so interesting to find out that new fact! I didn't even know he was from a mixed marriage
DeleteMaya Lord sounds very interesting. Puts "If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them" into perspective!
ReplyDeleteit should be a really intriguing and epic story
DeleteExcellent fare today darling. I've never heard the story of The Danish Girl before. It does look like they've made a better decision on the cast. Kidman and Paltrow just don't have enough depth to do anything really serious.
ReplyDeleteagreed, I can't imagine what kind of borefest it would've been with those two together....
DeleteI've never heard of Wegener before and would love to see this movie.
ReplyDeleteit is rather intriguing isn't it?
DeleteIt looks like we're in for some interesting historical movies. I love those.
ReplyDeleteAs you know, HOLLYWOOD SPY is one of world's leading places for historical movies and shows
DeleteDid you say, Independence Day II? Say you didn't.
ReplyDeleteDEZZY: "You didn't"!
DeleteGood... You almost had me worried.;)
DeleteSelf-denial is one of my fave tools too :)
DeleteI know. You stole it from me when I wasn't looking.
DeleteI can give it back if thou needs it :)
DeleteThat's all right. I've got an endless supply.
DeleteCác biểu hiện bệnh tim mạch ở người cao tuổiBệnh tim mạch là một trong những căn bệnh mà người cao tuổi thường hay gặp phải và gây ra nhiều biến chứng nguy hiểm tới tính mạng.
ReplyDeleteNhững biểu hiện và cách phòng ngừa bệnh tim mạchTim mạch là một bệnh vô cùng nguy hiểm, đặc biệt bệnh tim mạch thường gặp ở người cao tuổi.
Người bị bệnh tim mạch nên kiêng ăn gì?Có lẽ bạn đã biết rằng ăn một số loại thực phẩm nhất định có thể làm tăng nguy cơ bệnh tim mạch, tuy vậy thật khó để thay đổi thói quen ăn uống
Trẻ sơ sinh bị sôi bụng phải làm sao?Nếu các biện pháp trên không cải thiện được tình trạng này, các chị em nên đến tham khảo ý kiến từ bác sĩ để có thể chữa trị tốt nhất.
Khô âm đạo khi quan hệ phải làm sao?Đa phần phụ nữ mãn kinh hoặc sau mãn kinh mới bị khô âm đạo, nhưng hiện tượng này có thể xảy ra ở mọi phụ nữ, trong bất kỳ lứa tuổi nào với rất nhiều lý do khác nhau.
Buồng trứng đa nang là gì?Để giúp chị em hiểu rõ hơn về vấn đề này, bài viết sau đây sẽ mang đến cho mọi người những thông tin hay hữu ích, hãy cùng đón xem nhé!
Buồng trứng đa nang có chữa được không?Hội chứng buồng trứng đa nang (PCOS) là tình trạng đặc trưng của sự mất cân bằng nội tiết tố, u nang buồng trứng, hoặc rối loạn chức năng buồng trứng
Bị buồng trứng đa nang nên ăn gì?Phụ nữ bị đa nang buồng trứng có nguy cơ dẫn tới vô sinh. Vì vậy, điều trị đa nang buồng trứng là việc rất cần thiết.
Miếng dán nâng ngực là gì?Vòng một luôn là mối quan tâm hàng đầu của chị em phụ nữ. Khi còn trẻ, hầu hết chị em đều có đôi gò bồng đào săn chắc và quyến rũ
Củ cải đường là gì - nấu gì ngon?Ngoài ra nó còn có chứa kali, natri, phốt pho, magiê, sắt, canxi, kẽm, mangan, đồng và các khoáng chất khác.
Đau dạ dày nên ăn gì buổi sáng?Tuy nhiên, hoàn toàn có thể giúp cho dạ dày hoạt động tốt nếu như người bệnh có một chế độ ăn uống hợp lý, kiêng cữ các thức ăn gây hại cho dạ dày