Stunning Dominic Andersen takes the lead in the series |
A few months ago when I first
informed you about the marvellously lavish new epic TV series
Resplandor y Tinieblas) we did not know who would lead the cast, and now it has been revealed that hunky (the cast generally has the highest level of hunkiness we've seen in decades)
Dominic Andersen will take the role of Francis of Assisi in this nine episode English language Spanish series which will, produced by
José Luis Moreno, cover the life and times of some of the most important figures of the Middle Ages who met the protagonist Saint Francis of Assisi, during the 13th century, a spectacular period of history ruled by ambition, cruelty, religion and the clash of Christian and Saracen cultures. It has also been revealed this month that legendary
Joan Collins will also play one of the historical figures
Denise Richards and Jane Seymour will play female rulers in the series |
he met during his life among which are also Richard the Lionheart (
Steve Buyers), queen Eleanor of Aquitaine (to be played by
Jane Seymour) and
Jane Seymour is famous Eleanor of Aquitaine, queen of England |
Pope Urban II (to be played by Oscar nomine
Bruce Davison), Ferdinand of Navarre (
Daniel Lundh), Frederick I Barbarossa (
Adrian Bouchet),
Steve Buyers is Eleanor's son King Richard the Lionheart |
Frederick of Swabia
(Callum Kerr), Hermann of Thuringia (
Sander Jan Klerk), Raymond III of Tripoli (
Joe Layton), Henry VI (
Robert Maaser),
Wildly dashing Myles Clohessy will also star as Walter of Brienne |
Saladin (
Adam Bond), King Baldwin (
Landher Iturbe), Maria of Champagne (
Denise Richards), King of Jerusalem Guy de Lusignan (
Itziar Fay plays Richard's wife, Berenguela of Navarre |
Hughes), prince of Antioch Reynald De Chatillon (
Bart Edwards), famous knight Roger of Moulins (
Aron von Adrian), Walter of Brienne (
Myles Clohessy), John I Lackland (
James Cartwright), Balian of Ibelin
Landher Iturbe is scarred king of Jerusalem Baldwin |
Fernando Gil) and many others.
Jose Luis Moreno is the executive producer, director and writer of the series for Dreamlight International production. Opulent costumes, lavish sets, spectacular battles will fill the
Daniel Lundh will play Ferdinand of Navarre |
project which is planned as a three season series. The shooting, which has started back in December involving more than 1500 actors, halted during corona and will continue in Italy, France, Morocco, Egypt and Spain.