One of the last countries to select a film that will represent them in the race for best foreign film Oscars this year is Serbia - their representative will be
The movie will air next year in Serbia |
a deeply powerful and moving war drama
Predrag Antonijević. Based on the testimonies of survivors it is the first feature film that deals with war crimes and atrocities that took place at the World War Two Jasenovac concentration and extermination camp, which was part of the Holocaust in Croatia and the wider Genocide committed over Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia. The movie was set to premiere in early 2020, commemorating 75 years since the escape of the remaining prisoners from the camp. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the premiere was postponed to mid 2021. The movie will also be in the race for Golden Globes.
in the Nazi-occupied Croatian Ustasha regime "NDH" in
former Yugoslavia during WWII. The film is told through the experiences
of a little Serbian girl named Dara who is sent as a child to the infamous extermination camp
Considered a project of national importance, the film was supported by Serbian Ministry of Culture
Jasenovac, also known as "
Balkan's Auschwitz", when it was ruled by
sadistic Croat camp commander Maks Luburic until the liberation. The
film is the first modern WWII movie that takes place in or shows this
NDH era camp. The majority of local Serb population was sent to Croatian
Little Biljana Chekic plays the lead role in the heartbreaking drama
concentration camps.
With no information about whereabouts of her father, twelve-year-old
Dara (little
Biljana Chekic), her mother and two brothers end up in
Jasenovac. Her mother and older brother get killed by Nazi Croats.
Dara makes it her personal mission and goal to insure the survival of
her younger brother.
Notorious for its barbaric practices and the large number of victims, Jasenovac specialized in violence of a particularly brutal kind and prisoners were primarily murdered manually with the use of blunt objects such as
The brutality seen in Jasenovac is unparalleled to any other camp
hammers or knives and axes. In Jasenovac the majority of victims were ethnic Serbs (
as part of the Genocide of the Serbs); others were Jews and Gypsies. Jasenovac was a complex of
five subcamps spread over 210 km2 on
American Scholar Michael Berenbaum served as history consultant
both banks of the Sava and Una rivers. Although the official number of people killed in the camp is around
100,000, many researchers believe that the real number could be as high as 700,000 and even up to one million victims. Serbian children were killed first even if they were still breastfed by their
The 130 minute long epic drama was directed by Predrag Antonijevic
mothers. Croatia was the only Nazi country in Europe which had special camps for kids, mostly Serbian ones. Beside being butchered, they were often put in sacks and thrown into the river, burnt alive in brick factories or had their throats slit.
Oh man, that sounds like it's going to be a real emotional movie.
ReplyDeleteOur last year's representative was also very emotional depicting the exodus of a million people over snow covered mountains led by our king Peter in order to escape the invading Germans in WW1.
DeleteI'm choking up reading your description. I knew things were bad, but this is beyond horrific. Who can do such things to children? I hope that the brother and sister survive. This is one I couldn't watch even if I wanted to.
ReplyDeleteThose are the atrocities that are hidden to the Western population because it does not fit their modern agenda of Serbians being villains instead of victims that they've been throughout the history. Croats want to proclaim their cardinal who supported the Nazis a saint and they have Vatican's support for it.
DeleteSuch a tough subject, but definitely a must see. The story needs to be told. It wouldn't surprise me if the numbers were actually higher. People have a way of trying to bury ugliness to suit their agenda.
ReplyDeleteYes, if a hundred thousand people were butchered like this somewhere in the West you'd have dozens of films about it.
DeleteSadly, you're right. We have the monopoly on film, so unfortunately, they get to pick and choose what stories should be told to the masses. I'm glad this one is out there. I know there are many more untold stories, and I hope they do get their chance some day.
DeleteThe sad thing is that films like this usually go unnoticed, because somebody wants it to be like that.
DeleteЕво и првих инсерата пошто трејлера још нема:
Долазак у логор 6:33
Часна сестра Барта Пулхарија држи пропагандни говор српској деци, а улази Љубо Милош са усташкињама Мајом Буждон и Божицом Обрадовић 10:56
Анте Врбан и Лубурић играју игру смрти са логорашима 17:31
Два логораша на насипу 22:37
Дара, њен брат и логорашица 27:27
Da, i ja sam iznenadjen da jos nema trejlera, kako misle da rade oskarovsku kampanju bez trejlera? Nema cak ni engleskih postera.
DeleteЗато што је на брзину изгурана цела кампања укључујући и премијеру у Грачаници како би се испоштовала процедура и филм на време пријавио за Оскара, а све са циљем да се парира БХ кандидату за Оскара Quo Vadis,Aida од Јасмиле Жбанић о измишљеном геноциду у Сребреници. Виши циљ оправдава средство тако да им то не замерам, али је срамота да филм нема ни трејлер па чак ни тизер, нити званичан сајт, ни на српском а камоли на енглеском и да промоцију по нету и страним сајтовима раде гледаоци а не они којима је то посао. И овај постер је катастрофа - није ни за школски пано, а камоли за међународну промоцију. Надам се да ће ауторска екипа бити боља од продуцентске и маркетиншке.
ReplyDeleteИначе, видим да су ове странкиње на твом блогу преплашене и да кажу да не би смеле да гледају филм због приказа усташких злочина, али мислим да немају разлога за бригу. Иако бих ја желео да овај филм има експлицитне сцене као пољски Волин, о масакру Пољака од стране украјинских нациста за време Другог светског рата, јер би то био једини начин да се верно прикаже сва монструозност и ужас усташких злочина, такав филм би могли да гледају само гледаоци са најјачим желуцем и хорор фанови. Редитељ Антонијевић је рекао да је за Јасеновац покушао да нађе неку средину између експлицитног приказа и оф скрин убистава, то јест да гледаоци сами закључе како су логораши убијени а да то не виде, што може да има подједнако јак ефекат ако је добро режирано. Руски ратни филм ИДИ И СМОТРИ је одличан пример-нема ни капи проливене крви и не види се ни једно убиство, али је један од најужаснијих, најпотреснијих и најуверљивијих филмских приказа ратних страхота.
Mogli su neki kratak tizer makar da zbrckaju na brzaka :) Ali mi koji se trudimo da prezentujemo nase filmove svetskoj publici, navikli smo na manjak materijala u tom smislu. Ima i suludih momenata, recimo kada sam objavio clanak ovde o Zaspanki za vojnika i pridodao i trejler sa pesmom koju Aleksandra Kovac peva u tom filmu, njen decko je 'ladno zabranio embedovanje trejlera sa njihovog YouTube kanala, kao da ukljucivanje njihove pesme ovde nije reklama za njih, i to besplatna, i to za svetsku publiku. Ali, sta je tu je, Dari drzimo palceve da uspe na dodelama nagrada, mada znamo da su te stvari uglavnom nedostizne.