
Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Now, this is a piece of news which makes me personally happy: "Variety" reports that director P.J. Hogan and Toni Collette
will work again after their collaboration in beloved classic MURIEL'S WEDDING. In Hogan's new film MENTAL, Collette will play a crazy hotheaded hitchhiker brought on to nanny five girls by their father, a philandering politician, after he hospitalizes his wife for a nervous breakdown. The cast also includes Liev Schreiber and Anthony LaPaglia! Over at Comic Con Legendary pictures has revealed concept art for their PARADISE LOST in which Lucifer and Michael, God's greatest archangels, share the bond of extraordinary friendship until God produces his greatest creation: Man. Unable to remain subservient to God if it means bowing down to humanity, Lucifer
begins his dark descent and is cast out - only to plot his revenge. This huge epic which will have Bradley Cooper as Lucifer will also have some huge aerial battles directed by Alex Proyas!
According to "Heat Vision" Harrison Ford has taken the lead role in the movie adaptation of Max Allan Collins' novel BLACK HATS which is set in the Prohibition era which has just begun,
and the Wild West is a fading memory, and Wyatt Earp is making ends meet as a detective in Los Angeles. To help the late Doc Holliday's son, Wyatt goes east, where his onetime deputy, Bat Masterson, is New York's top sportswriter. Wyatt and Masterson face a showdown with a new breed of mobsters led by Brooklyn's brutal young Al Capone, in a takeover of young Holliday's hot new speakeasy. As the '20s (and machine guns) roar, the lawless lawmen enter a glittering world of showgirls and cafe society, of gangsters and gamblers, where their legends may even end as Scarface Al's begins.
Last week I showed you the first picture of Liam McIntyre from SPARTACUS VENGEANCE which will air next January on Starz, and now you can check out the first trailer as well. On the heels of the bloody escape from the House of Batiatus that
concluded SPARTACUS BLOOD AND SAND the gladiator rebellion continues and begins to strike fear into the heart of the Roman Republic in the second season. Gaius Claudius Glaber (Craig Parker) and his Roman troops are sent to Capua to crush the growing band of freed slaves that Spartacus leads before it can inflict further damage. Spartacus is presented the choice of satisfying his personal need for vengeance against the man that condemned his wife to slavery and eventual death or making the larger sacrifices necessary to keep his budding army from breaking apart.

PS it seems you liked both the royal post on Sunday and yesterday's bunch of new pics since HOLLYWOOD SPY had almost 3,000 visitors this Monday ;) I also checked some specific stats, and lots of people have been brought here from Google after typing in Hayley Atwell naked or nude :) Guess those who went to watch CAPTAIN AMERICA really liked her :)


  1. i'm a big fan of harrison ford, but he should really retire already: he's spent!

  2. that seems to be the general opinion :)


    That's all I needed to cap my geeky Monday. :)

  4. as far as I got it, next week we should get a full trailer for SPARTACUS :) this is just a teaser :)

  5. ooo...Spartacus! Very cool!
    Not so sure about Harrison Ford, though...

  6. that seems to be the general opinion today, with which I will agree :)

  7. Paradise Lost sounds right up my alley. Looking forward to that one for sure.


  8. Muriel's wedding is one of my favorite movies and plenty of ABBA songs made it extra special! I can only hope this new movie will be as fresh!

  9. Looking forward to Paradise Lost.
    Not really to Harrison Ford and Spartacus.
    Is it just me or is Toni Collette's picture a little off? Not her best shot for sure.

  10. I loved MURIEL'S WEDDING and I love Collette. Can't wait to see the movie.

    I really did enjoy your royals post. The Prince and Princess stories are always so intriguing, even today.

  11. I think Toni Collette will do a marvelous job~
    ooh, Paradise Lost sounds great! Spartacus looks grand. Harrison Ford?! not so sure~ Time will tell!

  12. Yay for the new Toni Collette project. I just love her. :)

    The new Harrison Ford project is wrong on so many levels. It's historically inaccurate and even being made up it's too implausible. Capone was in Chicago during the 20's, not in Brooklyn, Bat Masterson died in 1921, Wyatt Earp was consulting on movies and was 70 years old. The biggest problem is that Doc Holliday never reproduced and even if he'd been physically able right before his death in 1886, his kid would be almost 40, not young. Sorry to rant, but I hate when they take history and screw with it in a bad way like this. Don't eff with my Scarface Al. ;)

  13. Dare I say that "Black Hats" sounds interesting? Screw historical accuracy! Since when has anyone in the movies ever given a rat's ass about that?

  14. Hiiih, those eyes of the devil really give me the creeps (well I guess that's what they want us to feel). I don't think I'm interested in seeing that film.

    Btw, Spartacus had a huge presence at the exhibit hall at comic-con, Dezzy. I kept thinking of you every time I walked by the booth :D

  15. I absolutely must watch everything that has Bradley Cooper... So I guess you could say I'm pumped for Paradise Lost.

  16. Toni Collette is amazing isn't she? She has transformed so much since Muriel.

    I need to get some Spartacus in my life. It just passed me by.

    Now I don't want to sound like a devil worshiper but when you hear about the story of his fall from heaven I kind a have empathy for him. Is that wrong? Probably

  17. Oh and congrats on the hits Dezzy!!

    You are a true superstar!

  18. Watched the last episode of Spartacus last night, why is the current Spartacus not returning? As a lapsed Catholic "Paradise Lost" sounds epic.

  19. Oh dear, one to be missed I fear.

  20. Alex Proyas directing Bradley Cooper in a Lucifer movie, that sound very interesting indeed.
    Black Hats also sound quite good.

  21. @Pearl
    glad you like it, ladies always love Bradley Cooper :)

    MURIEL'S WEDDING is in my top 5 all time favourite films too! Amazing drama, amazing comedy, amazing music and extremely uplifting even though it tells a tragical story

    Toni generally has a somewhat strange face, but her talent makes her beautiful :)

  22. @Clarissa
    Toni is one of the most talented actresses ever!
    Glad you liked the royal post :) Although it didn't have many comments I know that such posts bring me a lot of visits later on from Google. I will try to make a new royal post soon on European royals, after we've seen the most gorgeous Islamic ones :)

    he he it seems nobody is overly excited about Harrison :) Toni will be amazing as always!

    hold your horses, sister :) I forgot to mention that the novel is in the genre of alternative history :) I thought it is logical from the plot, and you know that the point of that genre is to mix historical characters and events in all possible ways. My absolute favourite alternative history book is Kim Newman's ANNO DRACULA saga!

  23. @Debra
    yep, I agree with you, Debra, that's the point of the alternative history genre

    no wonder you thought of me whenever you saw SPARTACUS,I mean we do look alike, especially with all my muscles and flawless body :)))))
    But you know I will never forgive you for not getting me Chris Evans autograph or a telephone number at the Comic Con :(((

    ladies love Bradley Cooper :)

  24. @Custie
    I was just thinking last night, while Googling Toni's photos, how she looks absolutely different in each of her roles. She never never never looks the same, she is a true chameleon! She and Blanchett are modern Meryl Streeps!
    Oh, you MUST watch SPARTACUS it has amazing twists and great plots! You must watch it late at night with your wife because the show is rather inspiring for some bed action :) I don't know anyone who didn't get a bit horny after watching it :)

    he has cancer, Lurk, that's why he had to leave the show :(

    sorry to hear that

    it does sound extremely interesting :)

  25. I've almost never liked Toni Collette. I just can't really say exactly why.

    PARADISE LOST could be very interesting.

    BLACK HATS is going to be good. I still think Kurt Russell when I heard Wyatt Earp, though.

    I saw SPARTACUS pop up in my instant streaming for Netflix, but the first 8 episodes aren't available, so it's still a waiting game on that one.

  26. I heard that before. Toni sometimes has some strange facial expressions which can be off-putting to some people. But her talent is so tremendous making her one of five biggest actresses which are active in Hollywood. The things she did in UNITED STATES OF TARA, MURIEL'S WEDDING and many other films are things which only the best of the best can do. For me, there is just her, Meryl and Blanchett, than some ten empty places and then Dench, Winslet, Zeta Jones and others ..

    Why isn't SPARTACUS available on NETFLIX? The first season is from 2010, almost two years ago.

  27. The first 8 episodes you can get mailed to you, and episode 9 and beyond are available to stream. Very strange.

  28. Can't wait for the new spartacus one to come out! Thinking of making a spartacus workout post soon!

  29. @Josh
    how strange. What can I tell you. Torrents are the only way we, poor people outside USA, watch fresh shows. We don't have NETFLIX and similar things.

    oooh, a spartacus workout sounds delish!

  30. As much as I love torrents, I also like not paying large fines because Internet providers are pussies and acquiesce to pressure and reveal names associated with IP addresses.

  31. I guess it's different in USA since you have regulations about that, but in other parts of world we don't have laws about that and millions of people watch shows and films like that since there is no other way.

  32. Paradise lost will be a lost case for me...I never fully appreciate movie about rebel Angel and stuffs.

    Question! How do you know what people search to find your blog? I have a blogspot too but never knew how to find things people search. I know how in my WP blog

  33. WoW!! very interesting information! you had 3000 visitors!!! that is cool!!! real cool!!!

  34. Horses held. :) As alternative history, okay. Anno Dracula is awesome.

    Had to watch that Spartacus trailer again. Wow!

  35. @Novia
    when you open your dashboard page you have a Stats option on it which gives you data on visitors and similar.

    it is cool :) Sometimes I can't believe I have thousands of lurkers who visit every day and read my nonsense :) But it IS a wonderful feeling

    you read ANNO DRACULA? It has three parts, but the third one DRACULA CHA CHA wasn't released in Serbia, so I read just ANNO DRACULA and BLOODY RED BARON. Extremely entertaining books!

  36. Not really feeling that trailer unfortunately D:

  37. sorry to hear that, Kingmush, better luck next time :)

  38. They are fascinating books. Dracula Cha Cha Cha is incredible. The films of Fellini are the backdrop and his characters appear. There is a fourth book coming supposedly next year called Johnny Alucard which will conclude the series.

  39. super charming :) I wish my publisher continued with the release of the whole saga, but we stopped after the second book :(

  40. I'm really excited for Paradise Lost; and with Cooper as Lucifer it can only get better :D
