
Monday, February 28, 2022


Janissary will start in Russia tomorrow
Now I cannot tell you if the plan is still on given the current situation over in dear old Matushka Rossiya, but according to official schedule new historical series JANISSARY ((Русский пленник or Янычар) should start on the First Channel of Russia's national broadcaster tomorrow, February 28th with the action set in the dark and blood thirsty Ottoman empire within lavish new 12 episodes! Beside our dearest Ilya Malakov (whom you remember from their historical movie Kolovrat or Furious) in the lead role, the cast also includes actors from Serbia, Georgia, Ethiopia, Latvia, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, thus making it a panslavic and international project with more than 150 actors involved in total. The shooting started back in the summer of 2019 so it was a very long production process. The story is set at the end of the15th and the beginning of the 16th century so beside the infamous Turkish sultan Mehmed the Conqueror (Serbian actor Ivan Bosiljcic), the series will also include Russian tzars Fedor Ivanovich (Vladimir Koshevoi) and Boris Godunov (Artur Ivanov). Samvel Tadevosian, controversial Serbian actress Milena Radulovic, Arina Zharkova, Richard Lepers also star. Ivan Shurhovetzkiy, who helmed Kolovrat, is also directing this one. A whole city was built in Turkey for the needs of the production and some of the mass scenes include more than 2000 people on screen. It it interesting that the sets were done by Tims Production which also did famous Magnificent Century, Turkey's most popular historical series ever. The series has already been sold to ex Yugoslav countries, Turkey, and some of the Middle East and North African countries.
 Alekha (Ilya Malakov) is an honest, strong, freedom loving Cossack from the end of the 16th century, who decided to fulfill his father's last will. As a result, he goes to a foreign land in order to bow to the Virgin Mary. By the will of fate, he finds himself in the palace of the Sultan Mehmed (Serbian star Ivan Bosiljcic) of the Ottoman Empire. Here the Russian is taken prisoner and sent to become one of the evil Jannisaries (sultan's elite squads made from the children and prisoners who are taken from the enslaved regions of the empire and then trained and forced to turn against their own families and people). In an instant, not only plans, but also the life of the protagonist goes downhill. The man tries to fight fate, but the circumstances are stronger. As a result, he becomes an Ottoman prisoner who must serve the hated sultan. Here Alekha will face many trials and hardships. But during the whole journey, he does not give up on the faith that one day he will return home - to his native land. In parallel, he finds the love of his life. But even here difficult tests await him. But for a real Cossack there are no barriers when he loves. He is ready to give his life for his beloved, because in a true Cossack, love for a woman is equated with love for the Motherland. Check out the trailer for the series below and tell us what you think:


  1. This sounds so extraordinarily good, I'm ashamed to long for it. i just hope the productions of your Matushka don't suffer on account of her current Tzar's doings.

    1. They probably won't. Russia has learnt to live secluded from the world with its own resources as many other countries who won't play as the big boys tell them also have. The bigger question is can the rest of the world live without them? I personally need supplies of heating gas from their very much desperately so. Thankfully our gas comes from the southern pipelines, but you never know when Putya will get angry with us too.

    2. I find this gas dependence that afflicts so many European countries so mindblogging. My country suffers from it too, it forces us to depend on ancestral enemies.

    3. Well, there is not much gas on Earth, only a few countries have large sources, Russia being one of the biggest ones, if not the biggest. Before we were getting it over Ukraine, but then, to ease our lives, the countries at the Balkans built the southern pipeline which goes through Bulgaria, so we should be safe unless, of course, Putya gets angry with us. Western Europe is also dependent on them, but they have a new pipeline delivering gas from Africa, so they can cover themselves there, but we get nothing from there. There is also the northern pipeline being built, almost finished, up in the Baltic sea, but Germany and NATO have put a veto on that one currently, so they will have to find other ways.
      It is terrible living without gas because we heat our residence with it. Our national gas tank here in my Vojvodina has the capacity of only two weeks supplies, so we will get in deep shite if Matushka decides to spank us. And the same is with many other Euro countries.

  2. Fingers crossed that it actually starts. Lord know they could use some innocent distractions right now.

    1. They certainly could, Russian programmes are filled with stories of refugees fleeing from Lugansk and Donjeck away from the Ukrainian army, many have lost family members, I just watched last night a poor old granny barely able to hold herself upright, but she run away with five of her little grandkids after her son was killed by the Ukrainians there just for being Russian, so the public definitely needs a respite for an hour or two.

    2. Times like these makes me want to be a hippy. Maybe we need a series about Woodstock instead. LOL

    3. We defo do, and weed, lots of weed.

  3. I wonder if many will tune in even if it airs. We’ve been glued to the news since the war started, so I imagine Russians are even more tuned into news broadcasts instead of pleasure watching programs right now.

    1. I'm trying to avoid most of the news as the propaganda has never been stronger, especially after I read that most of your cable providers are cancelling Russian channels. Like, why wouldn't let you discover the truth yourself, what are they so afraid of that they have to censor things before you even get a chance to see it for yourself??? That kind of information control creeps me out and the fact that most of your people accept it and do not say anything against it creeps me up even more.

    2. If cancelling everything Russia is what it's going to take to end this needless war, then so be it. As much as I'd love for the US to stay the hell out of another war, we can't sit by and do nothing. I don't think anyone is falling for propaganda. There's enough information from all sides all over the web that people can get the truth of the happenings over there. Let's just hope it can end quickly without anymore bloodshed on either side.

    3. That is exactly how your government wants you, deary, nice and brainwashed and uninterested. That way they can feed you with what they want and do what they want. Your people have been indoctrinated long time ago to just accept what they tell you instead of searching for the truth yourself. Does anyone of you even know anything about the history of that region, of their culture and relations? Why would you want yourself shut out from all perspectives of the story? They control the web too, to this very date you will not find much on what they did to my country in 1999 and even then you will only find US controlled articles.
      About two weeks ago Ukrainians burnt alive 40 peaceful Russian protesters, you have that even in some of the Western websites, and yet none of your media put much focus on it. Now try to imagine if let us say, Russians burnt alive 40 Americans anywhere. You'd do the same as Russia did, but this is the perspective your media does not want you to see.

    4. I think this is where we'll have to agree to disagree. Many of us do not agree with our government, regardless if it's being run by Republicans or Democrats. We very much look to outside sources for world news. We are a huge country with citizens from all over the world and rub elbows with different nationalities daily. I have a good friend who immigrated here from Russia who keeps us updated on the goings on from her home country as all of her family is still there, and Allison is in contact with the Russian exchange student who feeds her information as well. The government has no bearing on the people I've met and befriended from all over the world from Instagram or Facebook or Blogger who can give first hand accounts of the happenings in their countries. We love the Russian people, but we do not like their government. I'm sure that could be said about the US and, well, most other countries. I feel like most of the world has a stick up their asses about the US (many rightfully so), so it's easy to attack the citizens as being brainwashed or complacent, which is far from the truth. That's why we have riots at the capitol and cities on fire. We're not a stupid lot (though stupid does walk among us). Does it make it okay that 40 Russians were burnt alive? God, no. I don't care where you're from. 40 Russian lives or 40 American lives are the same to me. They all hold the same value and it's tragic when one needlessly dies. But this is a war Putin wanted and until the citizens fight back against their dictator, innocents on both sides are going to be the ones to suffer.

  4. Amazing films with an amazing costumes! My family and i really ready to infront of the cinema, when come to hear. Bye the way, war of Russia and Ukreine is followed alot here, we all are soooo upset (because have many Russian friends and Ukrainian friends). We really dont know what to do.

    1. It will be soon all over and all will be well again.

  5. where can i watch this series in english subs?

    1. Nowhere, as far as we know, unless you live in Europe and your national TV has bought it for airing. But you cannot find it online.

  6. hope you can help me give link this series
