
Sunday, January 20, 2013


On our utter delight next few years will be years of epic shows on TV, as you can see in HOLLYWOOD SPY sidebar section with FEATURED
SHOWS, dozens of historical series are coming to the small screens. One of the first ones to air will be BBC's and Starz' DA VINCI'S DEMONS which will start its life on April 12th (Starz has smartly chosen the date of your Dezzy's birthday to launch the show LOL, they do love me that much) taking the Sunday spot from SPARTACUS WAR OF THE DAMNED when the Roman show finishes. Today we spotlight the story and the characters from DA VINCI'S DEMONS with a bunch of new pictures and a super exciting and beautiful new trailer below.

The show brings the story of the world's greatest genius during his raucous youth in Renaissance Florence. Brash and brilliant, young da
Vinci is an artist, inventor, swordsman, lover, dreamer and idealist. As a free thinker, with intellect and talents that are almost superhuman, he struggles to live within the confines of his own reality and time. He
begins to not only see the future, but invent it. In a world where thought and faith are controlled, one man fights to set knowledge free. Leonardo Da Vinci is tortured by a gift of superhuman genius. He finds himself in a conflict between truth and lies, religion and reason, past and future. His aspirations are used against him by the opposing forces of the time
– luring him into a game of seduction where those who despise his intellect need him most. His quest for knowledge nearly becomes his undoing. Da Vinci throws himself into his genius and emerges as an 
unstoppable force that lifts an entire era out of darkness and propels it into light. His story becomes a mirror into our own world, calling us all to join his fight to free the future.

Leonardo Da Vinci, played by seductive, warm and charismatic Tom Riley, is a genius, hungry for knowledge but frustrated that he has not found his true calling. Eventually he will become the most famous artist of all time, some say the most recognized figure after Jesus, but when we first meet him he is an outsider, a bastard who grew up as a peasant. While his genius is uplifting, it also has a destructive component – both to him and the world at large. As a bastard he yearns for legitimacy. He is haunted by the absence of his mother and the mystery surrounding her disappearance. Wounded by his father’s disdain, he looks for a surrogate father in both Verrocchio and the Turk.
Da Vinci is learned, but not yet wise. He will come to realize that personal sacrifice is often necessary for the greater good and will make sacrifices for both Florence and those he loves.

Played by mindblowingly gorgeous Laura Haddock (the fiance of young Sam Claflin who is also not a stranger to epic shows and films) Lucrezia is a wife, mistress and celebrated beauty of Florence. The fact that Lucrezia is Lorenzo’s mistress is an open secret in Florence and something easily accepted. Although her relationship to her upper‐class husband gives her some status, it’s really her role as “royal mistress” that cements her renown and influence. As a beautiful woman, Lucrezia is well aware of her seductive skills and doesn’t hesitate to employ them to her ends. Her motives remain obscure.

Publicly, Lord Girolamo Riario (played by talented Blake Ritson whom we've watched in a brilliant role of the king in WORLD WITHOUT END), Count and Captain-general of the Holy Roman Church, is known as Sixtus’ nephew. Only a select few are aware of his true lineage, and like Leonardo, he has a desire to cement his position and legitimacy in society. Although dedicated to the Holy See, he perceives Pope Sixtus to be guided by more worldly desires and selfish indulgences, while he himself is driven by a pure belief in the Divine. Nevertheless, Riario gladly leads the mission to destroy the Medicis, as he sees Florence as a prime example of the rapid deterioration of holy ideals in Europe. He is ruthless and unwavering — utilizing every resource at his disposal.

Lorenzo (played by magnetic and deeply enchanting Elliot Cowan whom we've most recently seen in another epic show SINBAD and also in other epic projects such as THE GOLDEN COMPASS, HAMMER OF THE GODS, Oliver Stone's ALEXANDER ) is a reluctant leader. Despite his coarse appearance, he is a shrewd and sober man. His love of the arts makes him far more suited to be a poet than a prince, but he was forced at a young age to become head of the Medici Bank, and thus the de facto ruler of Florence. The Medici Bank is one of the most influential
institutions in Europe. But its  sovereignty is being challenged by competing banks. Lorenzo regards Rome and Pope Sixtus as necessary evils.

Played by Lara Pulver, Clarice married Lorenzo by proxy when she was 16. The marriage was arranged by Lorenzo's mother, who wanted her eldest son to marry a woman from a noble family, in order to enhance the social status of the Medicis. Clarice was not initially popular in Florence because her strict religious personality was in deep contrast with the humanist ideals of the age. Of the nine children born to Clarice and Lorenzo, three died in infancy. At the time our series begins, none of the surviving children are male. Despite the initial circumstances of their
 marriage, Clarice quickly proves herself to be much more than a political pawn. Sharp, patient, and deeply committed to Lorenzo, she’s a valuable advisor to her husband.
You can also watch the second trailer, just released today, which is even more atmospheric, dynamic and exciting, with amazing music and the main motto - EVERYTHING YOU'VE NEVER IMAGINED! And don't forget our previous spotlight on the show too!


  1. Hi Dezzy - This is one I'll have to see. Romance. Art. Intrigue. What's not to love?

  2. Waw great moment TV ! I like these moment of action , fantasy ,great !
    I did not know this actress Laura Haddock ... :)

    1. she is gorgeous, isn't she? :) She is natural blonde, by the way :)

  3. A few years ago I caught the 'Da Vinci, The Genius' travelling exhibit when it stopped here in Edmonton. Completely and utterly fascinating.

    1. he was the most fascinating man in history after famous Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla!

    2. I agree - Nikola Tesla was a true genius :) I learned about him through listening to the late-night radio program 'Coast to Coast.'

    3. he is the biggest pride and joy of my country :) Wish Hollywood would finally make a film about him. Ones with Christian Bale and Nicolas Cage have been in plan for years now...

  4. How can the title be Da Vinci's Demons when all the actors look like angels? Well, except maybe for that Medici guy.

    1. ooh, but Elliot is so angellike :) I've always loved him a lot, the whole casting is amazing, can't decide whom I adore more him, Laura, Blake or Tom!

  5. I'm looking forward to this. I recently went to the local museum (aptly named "The Leonardo") and their latest exhibit is about Leonardo DaVinci. Just to be clear, they have had other exhibits like Body Worlds (the name of the museum and the current exhibit are a serendipitous concurrence).

    Anyway, in the exhibit IBM took and made machines from all of DaVinci's engineering schematics (many of them you could play with). I was fascinated to discover he created the odometer (or is at least accredited with this) and that he is behind the concept of modern warfare and firearms (no doubt something that probably troubled him).

    I know that another genius from another time, Robert Oppenheimer, quoted from the Bhavagad Gita (sp?) and said "I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds," when the atomic device he created was exploded over White Sands, New Mexico.

    This new series certainly has enough content in one man's life to drive a story. However, it will no doubt be Hollywood-ized (which I won't mind at all), but I do hope they at least plan to expose the hatred that existed between him and Michelangelo and delve into the fierce competition that artists had to secure contracts for their work.

    1. Yep, he was behind many things (both sexually and in science :)

      I'm not sure how deep the story would delve into all aspects of his real life, since there were so many of them, but they did promise a show unlike any other we've seen so far. I have trust in Starz, and the cast is certainly brilliant, as if handpicked by me myself.

  6. IGN released another new trailer today:

    So excited for this. Seems so fresh. A bit cheesy perhaps, but still very stylishly done and most likely just awesome. And not least because it has my favourite actor [Blake Ritson] as the 'baddie'... Casting not-so well-known actors in general for a big production like this is such a good decision.

    I really don't enjoy all the negative talk that has taken over the internet about DV'sDs... There really isn't much positive comments. Especially about how they most likely make Da Vinci bisexual and have female relationships, instead of being entirely gay. There is no definite proof whether or not Da Vinci was homosexual, or sexual at all. He most likely had male partners but no one has said he wouldn't in the series as well. It's a pity if the show gets labelled as bad just because of that. It seems very fresh and interesting, like a very new genre, to me.

    1. Blake is one my fave actors too, he totally charmed me in WORLD WITHOUT END, such a great role from him in it. Can't wait to see what he does in this one.
      I haven't noticed much negative comments about the show, and if there are some, you should ignore them since they come from kids and teens and ignorant fanboys who have nothing better to do but sit in their dark bedrooms and spit negativity all around the web for everything that is too good for them.

      When it comes the gay thing, I believe most historians agree he was gay, but I think the producers said it will not be depicted in the show. It seems the society isn't yet ready for a gay man as a lead of such an expensive show. It would be amazing if they at least give him some bisexual moments.

    2. Yes, Blake is proper lovely. Very talented (and gorgeous) and has already given such a wide range of roles. Almost seems like he changes his entire face, and voice every time.

      I try to ignore the annoying comments... I just have been stalking this production from the very beginning, and I have a feeling it certainly won't let me down. It's Renaissance, which I love, but so fresh.
      David S. Goyer actually said they will touch the gay theme (fe. he'll flirt with some guys or something). Or make Da Vinci somewhat bisexual. According to the trailers he obviously just won't have a male partner, at least for the first season. It actually is sort of a pity, making him gay would sorta deepen his character as an action hero.
      But still, there is no definite proof if he was bisexual or asexual or anything. Having young homosexual partners was suprisingly common among the upper-class of renaissance Italy anyway. He definitely had at least few. But at to me personally, it won't change my excitement over this series much.

    3. Hope Blake gets even more roles in the future and I love the fact that he is devoted to historical genre.

  7. Thanks for the info.

  8. it's hard to see Da Vinci as a young man. I'm used to his santa claus look

    1. LOL from now on Tom Riley will be the new face of Da Vinci for you, Adam :)

  9. Whew, thanks for the trailers ~ This is an interesting story to the man I often see as old but wise for his time ~

    Wishing you Happy Weekend Dezz ~

  10. I had no interest in this and then saw it was made by BBC. Maybe I'll give it a look.

  11. Oh, you know I'm dying to see this one. There's all kinds of built in intrigue in this one. Great preview, Dezzy. (and, yes, I saw you got retweeted. :))

    1. oh, I'm so excited today, Luanne, I've got retweets from Tom Riley, Elliot Cowan and Laura Haddock, and also a delightful message from Tom, who is ever so dear and he noticed the positivity of the spotligth, and also lovely tweets from charming Elliot who is also such a great actor! And you know how much I adore the cast!

  12. Well, as long as Dan Brown had no part of the writing, I'm sure it will be awesome.

    I liked both trailers; the first seems focused on Da Vinci's genius, the second on him as a real person. I like that there are two to appeal different viewers. The chosen actors really look the part they're playing. Casting is an intriguing venture.

    I've no doubt I want to see this movie.

    Oh, And I'm reading the comment just above mine and WOW Dezzy, congrats on the auspicious retweets


    1. I also loved both trailers, and the old one which I posted last year.
      And it is not a movie, but a show, Donnzie :P
      We do love when lovely celebs appreciate the support we give them on a daily basis!

    2. My fingers are so used to typing "movie" they just carried on without me thinking, lol.


  13. Should be a blockbuster! Another Tudors, perhaps?

  14. I am seriously looking forward to this. Looks fantastic. Thank you!

  15. Dezzy dear! Da Vinci demonds sounds an amazing movie:):)

    1. a show, not a movie, Gloria, but yes, it does sound amazing :)

  16. Gorgeous looking series. Leonardo never talked openly of his sexuality because he was prosecuted for being gay at one point in his life. It made him angry and frightened so he never ever spoke of love again. How very sad. :(

    I want to see this very badly. Sorry I am so late with commenting. Had root canal.

    1. interesting how the situation with gay people haven't changed at all five hundred years after :(

      Hope your dentist was an eye candy....

    2. I know. Makes me very angry. People should be free to love out loud whoever they want. No shame, no fear.

      My dentist was awfully cute. And he flashed me. He was obviously only wearing a scrub shirt and when he bent over me, I got a nice long look at pecs and six pack abs. Yow! ;)

    3. I did notice that male doctors like to wear nothing under their uniforms :) Very butcherish..... but who's complaining?
