
Sunday, December 23, 2012


So, tell me, my little Hobbits and Elves, have you seen THE HOBBIT: THE UNEXPECTED JOURNEY? It has been breaking records with hundreds of millions of dollars already earned worldwide, so I am
guessing you have. In honour of the epic fantasy, we're spotlighting the boys from the cast. First part today, and the second one tomorrow!

Glorious Welshman really did fulfil his dreams when Peter Jackson called him and offered him the role of Bard the Bowman who leads the armies of men in the Battle of Five Armies and after that becomes the new king. This is by no means unusual, since deeply charismatic and utterly magnetic Luke Evans is used to royal and godly roles - he was the ruler of Olympus, supreme God Zeus in Tarsem's magnificent epic IMMORTALS next to Henry Cavill, and he was also a God in CLASH OF THE TITANS in which he played Apollo, while in THE THREE MUSKETEERS he was also in royal company as dashing Aramis. You've watched him this year in Gothic thriller THE RAVEN and will see him in the future in the other 
two HOBBITS and in THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS 6 next to Dwayne Johnson, Paul Walker and Vin DieselHe is a frequent guest at Hollywood auditions for the upcoming blockbusters and is also a bit of a style icon with his photo shoots covering the pages of biggest fashion magazines. He is also known as one of the sweetest celebrities who always has time for his fans, known as the Luketeers, and you all remember how kind he was earlier this year when he personally wished your dear HOLLYWOOD SPY a happy birthday :)A true modern gentleman and a man of honour.

Similarly to Luke, seductive Richard Armitage is also known for having extremely faithful fans. Some even believe that he gets most of
 his roles thanks to the energy and support of his dear fans. In THE HOBBIT, Richard plays Thorin a strong and fearless fighter and revered leader of Dwarves, who wants to reclaim his kingdom from the evil dragon Smaug who took their homes and fortune and forced once proud and noble race into exile. In his wish to return the vast treasure of his homeland Erebor, he will bring twelve dwarves with him to Bilbo Baggins’ front door and that's how The Quest of Erebor will begin. Dashing Brit got famous playing villainous Guy of Gisbourne in BBC's show ROBIN HOOD, and then
he became a bit of an action star playing policemen in MI5 and STRIKE BACK shows.
In the meantime he scored another big blockbuster in his CV - CAPTAIN AMERICA in which he played Heinz Kruger. Beside the other two HOBBIT films, in the future we shall also watch him in BLACK SKY a film about a group of high school students document the events and aftermath of a devastating tornado. Again, similarly to Luke Evans, who has the most angelic voice and loves to sing and star in musicals, Richard is also talented for music and plays the cello, guitar, and flute.


The youngest and the most charming of our Hobbit boys :))) - Sir Ian McKellen is truly an acting legend. He probably would've missed the role of his lifetime
 if Sean Connery didn't refuse Peter Jackson's offer to portray the powerful wizard who has built deep relationships over time with great lords and leaders of Dwarves, Men and Elves. Sean didn't like the idea of spending more than a year over at New Zealand so Ian McKellen got his chance to truly shine in one of the most beloved fantasy roles ever. Although the younger audience mostly knows him as Gandalf and as Magneto from X-MEN saga, Ian is actually a tremendous dramatic actor who has earned tremendous critical praise for his outstanding roles in
  RICHARD III and GODS AND MONSTERS. Can you believe that he's never actually won an Oscar but was only nominated two times??? He's never won a BAFTA either. It is interesting that in the future we shall watch him on TV next to Derek Jacobi in ITV sitcom VICIOUS in which they will play a gay couple :) The show will revolve around friends that bicker, argue and are delightfully vicious to each other. They will play long-time couple Freddie and Stuart who have lived together in a small London apartment for nearly 50 years. A former actor and an ex-barman, their lives now consist mainly of reading, walking their dog and bickering.


  1. I've seen it twice - and am considering a third viewing before it eventually exits the theatres. It's fantabulous!! Ian McKellen is wonderful, as is Richard Armitage - plus he's not too hard on the eyes, either ;) Have you seen it yet?

    1. Unfortunately not :( Soon hopefully. Glad you enjoyed it, Jane and do go to see it third, fourth and fifth time :))

  2. Hey -- Dezmond. I made it snow on my blog.

  3. But I'm still working on the background colors, which don't work well with my food shots. But anyway, thanks for the snow idea.

    Fun stuff.

    1. choose some neutral one, or use some nice background picture.

    2. Everything I played with, I don't like mixed with the food shots. And now with me having a camera back, more food shots will follow.

      Liked your idea that you posted on my blog, but again, the food shots.

      But it's fun for right now, anyway. Thanks for the idea to make it snow.

    3. PS: Your blog is put together nicely without being too much. Well done and thanks for the inspiration.

    4. play with the colours and you will find the right one, although I did like the blue. Try a baby blue shade and a bit darker in the main bar. Dark blue and royal blue can be too radiant for blogs.

      And thanks, glad you like my design, I'm proud of it since I made it all myself from the scratch.

  4. Thorin Oaken Shield!! Richard is my favorite, those eyes of his are divine. But Luke, nom nom nom as well.

    How could they pass up Ian for an Oscar or a BAFTA? He's so well respected as an actor by his peers. He nailed the role in LOTR and was exactly how I pictured Gandolph all my life.

    You know I haven't seen the film yet and won't be able to until it comes out on DVD. But that day will come and when it does, I'll be quite pleased.

    1. You know dear Luke is my fave nom nom of all times :) And I know that he loves when we consider him a nom nom :)

      Kill me if I know, Annzie. So many great actors have never been awarded an Oscar of Bafta, while mediocre characters such as Halle Berry, Hilary Swank and Julia Roberts went away home with the awards....

    2. So much of the awards are political. Buy the people on the panels and you buy the vote. Barry, Swank and Roberts are empty souled actresses. And Roberts has a face like a horse.

      Luke is a nom nom nom and I know he loves it. Will he be part of your naughty Christmas? You gave me my Gerard early and I still look at it daily.

      I will be here for Christmas darling. The Hubby isn't up for the two and a half hour drive to his mums house. I may visit you 10 times that day!

    3. I do have tones of Luke's naughty pics :) We do collect his scantily clad photos :) He had amazing ones from a beach earlier this year wearing red shorts and nothing else on his gorgeous self :) I will have to post one of those to your Facebook, darling, but I'm afraid you might faint.

      So only the kids are going to MIL? Or everybody stays home? :) I will not celebrate at all, it's not a good year :( I'd love to bury this year in a hole and let Tard the Grumpster pee on it.

  5. Lovely Dezzy, you are spot on with both Luke and Richard. They are both, not only so very talented, but lovely, modest men. I wish them and you all the success in the coming year. And thank you for alerting Luke to my own birthday. I got not one, but two happy birthday's from him :) Swoon! Pat

    1. I suspect (and expect) :) you will put the link for this post on Luke's pages? :) Pretty please :)

      Ah, yes, I did tell Luke to congratulate you your Birthday this year, didn't I? :) So lovely of him to make our days.

  6. Oh, you are tricksy making me wait until tomorrow for Aidan Turner!! But I do love these men, too. What a disgrace that Ian McKellan hasn't been given an Oscar or BAFTA.

    Still haven't gotten out to the theater to see The Hobbit. Life keeps getting in the way. Grrr.

    1. I have lovely Aidan pics waiting for you tomorrow :)
      Oh, but you must, I cannot imagine a better Christmas pastime then watching HOBBIT in cinema. You can take your boys :)

  7. Can't think of a better mix of actors - Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi. Will definitely look out for VICIOUS.

    Lovely to see the snow, Dezzy. It's getting warm Down Under!

    1. they really will be an amazing couple :) It will be a huge hit of a sitcom.

      Glad you like the snow!

  8. So many sexy men turned into ugly dwarves for this movie LOL. Richard is handsome, yet alas those gorgeous looks do not shine through the ugly beard and huge nose. Short hairy underground dwellers, elves rule! ;PP

    Ian is certainly deserving of Oscar and I can only hope both academies will collectively pull their heads out of their asses. Awesome spotlight, sweetie. I cannot wait to see Luke on film again. Yummy, yummy!

    1. 'tis true, Melsy, it is a sin what they did to the looks of most of them in HOBBIT :) I still feel on the edge of tears when I see what kind of perm and sideburns they gave to our beloved Lukesy in the Bard role :(

  9. Thanks for all the update Dezzy ~ Will check out the movie after all the cooking and baking are done ~

    Wishing you Happy Holidays ~

  10. Love Ian McKellan! I've never seen him turn in a bad performance in any film of his -- and I've seen many of the ones he has made. Looking forward to seeing him and Derek Jacobi in "Vicious" too. Talk about 2 acting legends together in the same show!

  11. Sir Ian McKellen has one of those super interesting faces.

  12. Thank you Dezz for featuring the dear and dashing Richard Armitage. I am proud to be a fan.
    Looking forward to the second film when we'll get to see Luke as Bard. I'm sure both younger actors are thrilled to work with Ian McKellen. I hope you get to see The Hobbit soon.

    1. I'm sure too, Myri, that both Luke and Richard enjoyed working with Ian, if they had scenes with him.
      How did you like Lee Pace? I'm featuring him tomorrow in the second part :)

    2. We only see Lee very briefly, though important moments because it sets up mistrust between dwarves and elves. He looks very regal.

    3. yes, indeed, that is true, we Elves never really trusted those little hairy Hobbits :)

  13. nice write up, Dez :)
    I think I will link it to my hobbit review later.

    here in my country, a lot of females are screaming on Aiden Turner (the handsome Kili) ;)

    1. Glad you like it, Novia.
      Aidan is coming up in a minute :)

  14. Hi, Dezzy,

    Happy Holidays! Terrific exclusive on the Hobbit actors. I haven't seen it yet, but I will soon. I'm going out of town for a few days, but the moment I get back into town I will go see it!

    Dez, I REALLY could've used your help decorating my place. I JUST finished and posted .... Over TWO weeks to create it.... Hope you have a moment to drop by.

    1. Hey, Mikey, always lovely to see you here :)
      Hope you will get to see it this winter!
      Will pop over ASAP and take a look :)

  15. Ugh, I want to go see it but Theresa has no interest. I'm going to need to find someone to see it with. :(

  16. Sean Connery was almost Gandalf? wow.

  17. You've highlighted some talented actors. Thanks for sharing their movie roles. I'll lookout for some of these titles, both the past and future ones.

    1. be welcome, Medeia, hope you will enjoy the second part too :)
