
Friday, September 9, 2011


Check out the first poster for Katherine Heigl's new comedy ONE FOR THE MONEY which is ready to hit cinemas next January. The film follows Stephanie Plum, the popular heroine of
Janet Evanovich's sixteen mystery bestsellers. Stephanie Plum's got plenty of attitude, even if she's been out of work for the last six months and just lost her car to a debt collector. Desperate for some fast cash, Stephanie turns to her last resort: convincing her sleazy cousin to give her a job at his bail bonding company... as a recovery agent. As "Deadline" reports, Brendan Fraser will take the lead role in 3D epic on famous WILLIAM TELL. With the budget of about $30 million, this epic adventure on the famous Swiss archer who ignited a rebellion against the Austrian government that led to the formation of Switzerland, will be shot in Romania.

 According to "Variety", Gwyneth Paltrow has joined THANKS FOR SHARING, which revolves around a group of strangers who
become fast friends in a recovery group as they all try to overcome their sex addiction.  Gwyneth Paltrow will play a businesswoman who falls for Mark Ruffalo's character, while Joely Richardson and Tim Robbins will play a married couple in the film. New book WILDWOOD by Colin Meloy, which was published last week by Harper Collins, will be adapted into a film. The story follows a young lady who must confront a world filled with magic and danger after her younger brother is kidnapped, forcing her to enter the Impassable Wilderness.

As "Deadline" reports, we shall soon get a new sf movie titled EUROPA. Starring Daniel Wu and Sharlto Copley, it will be a story of a six-person team of astronauts from various international space stations who are sent by a private sector corporation to be the first manned mission to Jupiter's fourth moon.
The latest hunk to join the hunkfest in MAGIC MIKE, which will tell the story of Channing Tatum's early days as a stripper, is Adam Rodriguez from CSI MIAMI. As you know Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, Matthew Bomer, Matthew McConaughey and Joe Manganiello will be stripping together on the stage, and Olivia Munn will provide some girl power in the film.


  1. Unfortunately I'm not interested in any of these sorry. :(

  2. Europa sounds interesting.

  3. WILLIAM TELL sounds really interesting. Gotta love an epic adventure! EUROPA also sounds like it might have potential too :)

  4. I haven't read any of Evanovich's novels, but I know people who are hooked on them. I didn't realize the books were humorous. I always thought they were straight crime novels. D'oh.

  5. hmmm... maybe the katherine heigl one will be alright, but the rest don't sound all that great.

  6. Adam Rodriguez is a horrible actor, just horrible. He's bringing down the Magic Mike cast. The dude has one stone cold expression on CSI: Miami. It covers everything from "I'm sorry for your loss" to "I love you, you're my life."

    I'm drooling over the Daniel Wu pic. Oh my God is he hot. I think I need to turn my air conditioner on Arctic. Whoa! ;))

  7. Making friends in sex addiction group therapy? I feel like this could be an awesome movie.

  8. I just don't love Katherine Heigl. I think it's because she dissed her own TV show that made her famous so many times.
    And Wu-hoo! Who depantsed Daniel?!

  9. Sounds like some interesting fare coming our way with these selections. Europa sounds like it could have some scifi potential.

    Tossing It Out

  10. I love the story of William Tell (must be my Swiss heritage). And Brendan Fraser is usually pretty good. I hope they don't make a hash of it though.

  11. Gwyneth Paltrow and sex addiction you say? ;)

    I had no idea that William Tell was about anything beyond the whole arrow/apple thing. Will have to check that one out.

  12. One for the money could be watchable but Heigl can be slightly annoying.

  13. Heigl has lost all of her appeal to me lately!!


  14. Wow...put some clothes on Daniel Wu! :)

    I'm not too fond of Paltrow so I doubt I'll be rushing to see her new film. If she's not singing that is a bonus.

  15. I'm glad they are making that series into movies. I was wondering when they would do that. I like Paltrow and so I'll probably check out her film.

  16. I'm with Lurker on Heigl.

    WILLIAM TELL could be good, as long as Brendan Fraser is more THE MUMMY and less DUDLEY DO-RIGHT.

    WILDWOOD sounds like it could be good.

  17. @DWeii
    don't shoot the messenger, whole month has been extremely poor in movie news and I can't do anything about it :(

    we do love us a good sf, don't we? :)

    yes, I'm also excited about WILLIAM TELL project. I hope it works out this time, because I wrote about it three years ago and it didn't happen.

    no worries, sister, I personally have never even heard of that Evanovich person and judging from the plot and from the genre she writes, I think I was lucky about it :)))

  18. @Vics
    as I said above to DWei, the whole month has been extremely poor in the movie news department, August and September, along with January, are usually like that :( There are days when it is unbelievably difficult finding even one good news. Not to mention that Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays usually have no news at all. What can I tell you, even though my readers do not notice it :), finding news is a rather difficult mission most of the time :) That's why I sometimes have to regal my little freaks with some hot pics :)

    he he I do not watch CSI and similar detective shows, because cop, forensic and investigation series always make me fall asleep within five minutes :) But I did notice that this Adam guy, although rather gorgeous, also has zombie expressions :)
    And about Daniel Wu - the more southern your eyes go, the more northern the temperatures in air conditioner have to go :)

  19. @Libby
    yep, who doesn't like sex addicted people :))

    ah, so that's the answer? I' ve always asked myself why do so many people hate Heigl so much. So it could be because she left GREY'S ANATOMY?
    I'm sure you have no complaints about depantsed Wo :)

    glad you like it

    yep, EUROPA could be interesting, sf is always very welcomed here at HOLLYWOOD SPY :)

  20. @Debra
    I like that story too, and it will be nice seeing more about it on the big screen, especially since I don't remember seeing any previous movie on that particular tale

    yep, I can't imagine Gwyneth as a sex addict either :) She always leaves an impression of a woman who doesn't give much fun to Chris Coldplay in bed :)

    I've been hearing that a lot :)

    why is that, Scottie?

  21. @Dan
    he he and I wouldn't mind if he takes of that little that is left on him :) We have to regal our ladies too, you boys got your fun yesterday with Carmen and Brooke :)
    Yep, Gwyneth not singing is always a plus

    it is your genre, yes?

    yep, we shall keep our fingers crossed that Brendan will go Mummy and to dummy :)

  22. My mom just got into the series that Heigl's starring in. Maybe this movie will actually get me started with them?

  23. MAGIC MIKE is shaping up to being an interesting premise, though I can't hack the casting decision to hire Alex Pettyfer to play one of the leads as he has the chrisma of a dead squid.

    Katherine Heigl's even worse than Alex Pettyfer. She gets a lot of column inches here Dez... is there anything we ought to know about between the two of you?

  24. ONE FOR THE MONEY! Yay!! Now that's one that's going on the calendar. I hope it's as funny as the book. I wonder if that's the only one they're doing.

    Dezzy, you don't know what you're missing. Those books are great.

  25. As i've said before, i don't have anything against Heigl, but she rarely stars in anything i'm interested in One for the Money being no exception. The only movie she's starred in that i liked was Knocked Up

    And i still don't get what is so interesting about tatums life as a stripper that it needs to be a movie

  26. @Kelley
    he he well, it wasn't a bad series. I didn't watch it regularly, I've seen a few episodes, and although not great, they weren't all that bad :)

    he he I guess what he lacks in charisma he compensates in looks :)
    Actually, believe it or not, I'm rather impartial to Heigl. I neither hate her nor love her. I did love a few of her films and I do think she has lovely charisma on the big screen, but I can't say I'm a huge fan. I guess she is just appearing in news around movie sites more often than others.

  27. @Doralynn
    I knew you and Clarissa might be the two who would like that piece of news :)
    I personally really don't like reading crime novels. I don't have anything against them, off course, but they are just not my cup of tea along with action stories and thrillers.

    I prefer powerful dramas and deep stories, and classic books, and for fun sf and historical novels.

    I haven't seen KNOCKED UP, is that the one in which she also stars with Ashton Kutcher? Because I liked the two of them in KILLERS.
    Life of all strippers should be made into films :PPP

  28. Lots of good stuff they're working on. Hope Europa is good.

  29. No, Dez, its the one with Seth Rogan and directed by Judd Apatow. I had it in my alphabet meme post. Also, btw dez i think the reason Heigl isn't well liked rght now is because her comments about Greys Anatomy and Knocked Up has caused people to see her as ungrateful

    And we will have to agree to disagree with you on the subject of the Tatum movie

  30. yep, I came to that conclusion myself, it's never good turning your back to the show that made you famous.

    I'm not really into Channing's movie, just in what we shall see in it :P

  31. Yep. But again, i wouldn't refuse t see a movie because of heigl being it it, it is just she almost never stars in something that interests me, with the expectation i mentioned before(and i checked that out mainly because of Apatow)
