
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


 The filming on Tarsem Singh's magical fairy tale adaptation THE BROTHER'S GRIMM: SNOW WHITE has just started today, and over at my dear Jaccsy's I've found this first teaser
poster or an add for the film. In the sea of Snow White projects, Tarsem's will hold on to the original story and will have the most amazing visual aspect as all of his previous movies. The lead role went to young Lily Collins who is very busy these days getting lead roles in upcoming blockbusters, her dear prince will be played by dashing Armie Hammer (SOCIAL NETWORK),  while Julia Roberts should feel quite natural in the role of the Evil Queen with always hilarious Nathan Lane as queen's clumsy and timid servant.

 You all know that HOLLYWOOD SPY's most anticipated film this year is Tarsem Singh's Greek epic IMMORTALS which
premieres this November. Today you can check out some breathtaking new images which have appeared around the Net recently. As you know the film follows the adventure of brave Theseus (Henry Cavill) who has to fight against the evil King
Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) on his bloodthirsty quest to release the Titans in their revengeful wrath. Secretly chosen by Zeus (Luke Evans), Theseus must stop Hyperion and his evil hordes with the help of his cunning slave (Stephen Dorff) and visionary
priestess Phaedra (Freida Pinto). The film also stars John Hurt as Old Zeus, Kellan Lutz as Poseidon, Isabel Lucas as Athena, Corey Sevier as Apollo .. and you can also check out the mind blowing trailer in our previous post on the film.

Although it was a bit slow and boring at moments and the dynamics within the episodes wasn't always great, GAME OF THRONES did manage to seduce the audience with its epic
settings, amazing cast, stunning costumes, fantasy elements and of course with lots of beautiful fully naked human bodies (we've seen lots of boobies, a few female secret treasures, one noisy gay blow job and did you notice Alfie Allen's naughty Willy in episode 6? :) And as soon as the epic first season finished HBO has broadcast a short teaser for the second season which should come up next year (yep, a long time to wait). Check out the teaser (which doesn't show much) :) How did you like the first season?


  1. Immortals looks pretty cool. Snow White should be good too.

  2. Cripes, that's the teasiest teaser I've ever seen (GoT, I mean)!!! It reveals NOTHING! Grrrr!

    I'm just glad it's been renewed and we'll get more!

  3. he he :) well, the first season has just finished yesterday the second one hasn't started shooting yet :)

  4. I agree with Ricky. Immortals looks really cool. Epic battles are my favorite because it's a time when people truly get together to fight for a common cause. :)I haven't seen Game of Thrones yet but I've been hearing so much about it. I gotta go check it out.

  5. I have to admit I'm not much interested in seeing strange man bits, but as far as everything else you've listed...I'm eagerly awaiting their releases! Especially IMMORTALS. Oh man. That second poster is positively chilling. :)

  6. @HiFi
    IMMORTALS will have probably the most amazing epic battles ever seen on film, so you will enjoy it :)

    he he is your hubs standing behind you? :P
    IMMORTALS will be hugely epic!

  7. Snow White looks like it will be great, and Immortals will be legendary I am sure.

  8. I still haven't seen Game of Thrones, but you've upped the curiosity factor.

    Immortals is going to be FUN!

  9. I cannot wait for Immortals, though my anticipation cannot possibly match yours, my dear Dezz. :)

    I love your naughty summation of Game of Thrones. I can't believe the next season is such a long way off. Arrgh!

  10. first season of game of thrones was awesome

  11. I saw that Snow White poster over the weekend. Soooo pretty! Man, Tarsem is really on a roll! Can't wait to see Immortals this November!

  12. Anything with Nathan Lane in it is worth seeing!

  13. I love Snow White. I can't wait to see this movie. And it has Nathan Lane!

  14. I liked the first season of Game of Thrones, the book was very good (but I finished the book before the end of the series), the second book is not bad.

  15. Rubbish trailer for GOT2. Why bother.

    As for GoT1 I loved it. The fastest hour of the week.

  16. HAHA Trust you to focus on the nudity and naughty willy shots in Game of Thrones...:-)

    I am feeling very sad, and a little lost today. I am yearning for more middle aged fantasy with sexy bodies and big swords!!


  17. Snow White sounds great - but I must say that the poster is a wee bit underwhelming.

    As for Game of Thrones...How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... :)

  18. Thank you for not forgetting to mention the link, buddy ;)
    I completely agree with you that these two Tarsem Singh's movies will be winners in visual department.

  19. @Burnduro
    glad you like the films and welcome to HOLLYWOOD SPY :) Hope we shall be seeing you here often :)

    how is it possible that you of all people haven't seen GAME OF THRONES yet? :)) I've finished GAME OF THRONES and BORGIAS and now I will move to watching BBC period series DOWNTOWN ABBEY with a stellar cast!

    yes, nobody could match my anticipation for IMMORTALS :))
    And a naughty show deserves a naughty summation and naughty links :))

  20. @Timmy
    it was, glad you liked it, Timmy! Now we have to wait a long time for the second season :(

    indeed he is, but no other director deserves to be king of Hollywood as he does, he is such a unique visual genius and an outstanding dreamer!

    we DO love Nathan Lane a lot, he is such a tremendous comedian!

  21. @Medeia
    it's a winning combination :))

    glad to hear that, Daniel!

    I've never had the time to read the books, but many of my friends did and they all liked it a lot

    he he :) My reaction on the teaser was the same, but many people liked it, they say it really teased their anticipation :)

  22. @Custie
    well don't blame poor little Dezzy, somebody has to reveal all that naughtiness in films and shows and my readers yearn for such posts :))) /blushesinfalseinnocence/ :)

    that's just an add from one of the magazines, promoting the start of the shooting, it's not actually the real poster. I know you like GAME OF THRONES :)

    you know I always like promoting my favourite Asian creature :)

  23. ohman! i think that poster for snow white is GORGEOUS! but what's up with the off-skew lettering at the bottom? seems to throw off the balance...
    immortals looks amazing!
    and i'm reading game of thrones now! so good! looking forward to it coming to netflix. though, i'm with em. the naughty shots make me uncomfortable. :)

  24. that's a bootleg shot of the page from a magazine, Vics, that's why the picture is a bit crooked :) but it's exclusive and all we got for now.

    Ah, am I the only one who feels like fish in the water around naughty shots? :PP

  25. ooooh! that makes sense about the pic!
    and no- i think em and i are probably the strange ones. it's my understanding that most people enjoy naughty shots. but then i could be wrong about that- i'm wrong a lot! :P

  26. Snow White with Nathan Lane and Julia Roberts, can't wait for that.
    Afraid the rest are not my thing ;(

  27. enjoyed the first season as it stayed true to the books.

  28. I saw the 3-D preview for "Immortals"......could be entertaining in a Clash of the Titans sort of way....the old Clash that is.

  29. When Game of Thrones goes on dvd i will get it as soon as possible. And speaking of naughty pics, i posted a rather scandalous pic of Deborah Ann Woll from a trailer for the new season of True Blood on my twitter.Here it is in case you didn't see it

    And i think your naughty pics give your blog personality :)

  30. Immortals is getting cooler by the day.

  31. I'm looking forward to Tarsem Singh's Snow White.

    Immortals have interesting story and look, but I still fear they will feel too surreal to me.

    I really liked Game of Thrones, but I am a fan of books, and not a very demanding one.

  32. Oooh, Henry Cavill stars in The Immortals - you need not say more, Dez - I'm there. As I'm currently learning on bbcA..Cavill was the best thing about The Tudors series.

    A few thoughts on Game of Thrones: Although I could do without the fantasy aspect, Geo Martin's fascinating storyline is compelling enough to overcome those particular scenes. Fantastic acting by Peter Dinklage(Tyrion), Sean Bean(Ned Stark) and Kit Harrington as Jon. Really looking forward to GoT2 with the introduction of the rightful king of Westeros - Stannis Barratheon...and his sultry red priestess, Melisandre.

  33. Immortals looks like it will be a visually amazing epic with a rather stupid story. Guess I'll have to wait and see. CGI makes for some really cool effects sometimes, but it can also get pretty cheesy. If the hero shoots too many of those arrows I think it will get a mite bit repetitious--they don't look very realistic.

    Tossing It Out

  34. @Vics
    it's true, most people, me included, enjoy naughty shots :) Human bodies are so beautiful so that they could be looked at and enjoyed naked :)

    OK, so we found at least one for you :))

    glad to hear that, Budd!

    no, it will have no connection with CLASH OF TITANS, Tarsem makes profound and artsy films not trashy blockbusters :)

  35. @Dirty
    glad you liked my naughtiness :) No, I've never heard of that actress, I never watch TRUE BLOOD since I can't stand Paquin who is the most horrible actress I've ever seen. The books on which the show is based are also unbelievably bad, but I do think the show itself has it charms and lots of gorgeous actors once you forget Paquin.

    it's true!

    ah, you will have to wait till next year :(

    me too :)

  36. @Bels
    yep, IMMORTALS will definitely have a strong surreal element, but that's Tarsem's trade mark and something I personally adore! :)

    THE TUDORS were great show, especially first two seasons, the last one was a bit weak :(
    I did like Sean Beans acting in GOT, it might be his best role so far, but I didn't like Dinklage, he didn't really act, he was being himself, he is always like that in all roles, and I don't like that. There will be a sultry priestess in the second season??? :)) I'm sooo there :)

    it's not a stupid story, Lee, it's a myth. And the film can't be cheesy since Tarsem never makes cheesy movies but highly artsy and refined ones.

  37. ooh, I think the Snow White movie will be visual stunning! My son loves Game of Thrones; I might have to check it out~

  38. @Ella
    it will for sure, Ella :)
    And you should join your son in watching GAME OF THRONES

    I'll visit your place ASAP! :)

  39. I thought they were calling season 2 Clash of Kings. Why they didn't just call it A Song of Ice and Fire, I won't figure out.

    And for people whining about waiting a whole year before the second season airs...think about how it must suck to wait FIVE years for the next book, or TEN years for another look at Jon Snow. Or whatever his last name really is.

  40. he he ,yes, Martin isn't exactly quick in releasing new books in the saga :)

  41. After red riding hood...comes snow white...hope it won't be the same.

    Too bad the DVD for Game of Thrones hasn't been released yet :(

  42. Thanks for the tip about the Snow White poster, Dezzy. I included a trackback here from my post today :D

  43. @Novia
    Comparing Tarsem's movie to Hardwicke's is ridiculous on all levels
    GAME OF THRONES has just finished it can't get on DVD so soon

    that's nice :)
